!!!Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}

This component specifies that eligibility ends on a specific day of the month, such as the last.

Is it necessary to roll the eligibility end date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?

''Yes: Choose the rule to be used''

''No: Go to [B0260|BC-B0260]''
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01*|Roll Forward to Day in Current Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\Rolls the expiration date forward to the current month end day.\\Note: If the benefit plan may only expire on a specific day of the month, please discuss with our consultants.|\\|[B0260|BC-B0260]
|02|Roll Back to Day in Prev\\Month|Specify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.\\Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)\\Rolls the expiration date back to the month end date in the previous month.\\Note: If the benefit plan may only expire on a specific day of the month, please discuss with our consultants.|\\|[B0260|BC-B0260]
|03|Roll Forward to Last Day in\\Curr Quarter|Rolls the expiration date forward to the last day\\in the current quarter.\\Used when benefit eligibility may only end at\\the end of a quarter.|\\|[B0260|BC-B0260]
|04|Roll Back to Last Day in\\Prev Quarter|Rolls the expiration date back to the last day in\\the previous quarter.\\Used when benefit eligibility may only end at\\the end of a quarter and the employee has to\\be employed for the whole quarter in order to\\be enrolled for quarter.|\\|[B0260|BC-B0260]

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