!!!Eligibility End Base Date This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the eligibility end date of an enrollment form. Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Eligibility End Base Date’ rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00|UserCalc Only|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the\\component.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Date`. The usercalc\\must use the RET operator to return a date\\value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user provided base date from which the\\employee’s eligibility is expired.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |01|Use End of Time|Uses 31st December, 3999 as base date from\\which employee’s eligibility is expired.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |02*|Use Termination Date|Uses employee’s termination date from\\Employment Information form (IEEI) to determine\\date employee’s eligibility is expired, or\\31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |03|Use Leave Date|Uses employee’s leave date from Employment\\Information form (IEEI) to determine date\\employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December,\\3999 if date is unavailable.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |04|Use Earlier of Term/Leave|Uses earlier of termination date or leave date\\as date from which an employee’s eligibility is\\expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is\\unavailable.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |05*|Use Birth Date|Uses employee’s birth date from Identity Information\\form (IEID) plus a continuation period to\\determine date employee’s eligibility is expired.\\Sometimes used for life type plans that automatically\\expire at a specific age.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] |06|Use Spouse's Birth Date|Uses spouse’s birth date from contact form plus\\a continuation period to determine date\\spouse’s eligibility is expired. Sometimes used\\for dependent or spousal life type plans that\\automatically expire at a specific age.|\\|[B0220|BC-B0220] ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.BC-B0210] [{InsertPage page='Internal.BC-B0210' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]