!!!Flexible Plan UserCalc {mandatory for Flex Plans only} \\ \\ This component is required to indicate that this is a Flex Plan. \\ \\ Is this a Flex Plan? \\ \\ Yes: Choose the rule to be used\\ No: Go to [B0010|BC-B0010] \\ \\ ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |00*|Use UserCalc Only|The Flex Plan <User Calc> specified will be executed.\\The UserCalc must specify that this coverage is part of the Flexible Benefit plan. The UserCalc may be a qualifier to decide which employees to evaluate.\\The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Boolean’. Use the RET operator to return the Boolean value of TRUE.\\The FALSE or NULL value is interpreted by the component that this is not a Flex Plan.| \\ |[B0010|BC-B0010] ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.BC-B0005] [{InsertPage page='Internal.BC-B0005' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]