Dynamic Dashboards allow individual user to choose from a library of available panels to create their own dashboard(s). A library of Panels (designed by Role) has been provided by High Line.
The data comes from their respective dashboard panels (ie: PA panel)
Security: users must be given security access for any panels to be available, as well as to related drill-into forms. For example, the 'DepartmentBudget' Panel drills to a report of Positions, and then to the Position (IDPS) form and/or the Posting (IRPO) form. If a drill-into form is available for the User, mouse-over and visual cues will indicate. The Dynamic Dashboard (BMDD) also can be turned on/off for Users/Roles based on function security.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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