
Some companies allow their employees to select whether or not they ‘bank’ or get paid for overtime worked. Banked OT is also referred to as Comp Time.

All ‘Overtime’ Time Type time codes would be created as ‘paid’ in the Time Code screen (IDTC) and an ‘Alternate TC’ would be indicated that has been set up as a ‘Banked OT Earned’ Time Type time code.

If an employee selects the ‘Bank Overtime’ dialog on their Time Sheet/Card at the point of Timesheet submission then the Alternate Time Code would be used, sending the time to the employee’s overtime ‘bank’ instead of being paid for it.

Time Code#

The only Time Codes that will be considered are those with a type of ‘Overtime’. The update function of Process Times Sheets to Payroll (UPCTS) will check to see if the employee has set a preference to use an alternate Time Code if they have overtime. If they have, then the Alternate Time Code indicated on the original Overtime Time Code will be substituted. Once the time is in the Pay Transaction (IPTR), the UPTR will be used to move into the Employee Pays (IPPH) at which time the Pay Line and Leave Line will be created for the ‘Banked OT Earned’. Only at this time is the time available for the employee to be used.

This logic is also triggered when using the update function Load Time Sheers to Pay Headers (UPCTSP) which process the Time Sheets directly into the Employee Pay (IPPH).

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