Components for Preprocess/Qualification (B0005 - B0299)#

The following group of benefit components is available for either preprocessing or qualification of employees.

The most commonly used preprocessing components are the definition of the period of time an employee is qualified to participate in the plan (Effective/Expire, Eligibility Start/End and Premium Start/End dates). Users are also given the ability to define any other preprocessing necessary for the Plan, or to define a qualification for employees through the use of a usercalc.

Preprocessing/qualifications may be used to completely skip an employee from being evaluated for a plan in which they are enrolled.

B0005Flexible Plan UserCalc {mandatory for Flex Plans}
B0010Preprocess/Qualify UserCalc {optional}
B0020Enrollment Base Date
B0030Enrollment Effective Date Rule
B0040Hiring Qualification {optional}
B0050Qualifying Period {optional}
B0060Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
B0070Effective Date
B0080Eligibility Base Date
B0090Eligibility Date Rule
B0100Hiring Qualification {optional}
B0110Qualifying Period {optional}
B0120Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
B0130Eligible Date
B0140Premium Start Date
B0150Expire Base Date
B0160Expire Date Rule
B0170Termination Qualification {optional}
B0180Continuation Period {optional}
B0190Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
B0200Expire Date
B0210Eligibility End Base Date
B0220 Eligibility End Date Rule
B0230Termination Qualification {optional}
B0240Continuation Period
B0250Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
B0260Eligibility End Date
B0270Premium End Date
  1. Premium Start date will not work if it is an earlier date than the Plan Effective date.

    The effective date of the IBEN record controls the benefit. If the plan is not yet effective, there is no point in trying to take a premium – the plan will be skipped by UPCALC.

    Same thing applies for expiration date and premium end. There is no point in making the premium stop AFTER the expiration date of the record. If the employee is not in the plan, they will not have their premium amount calculated.

  2. BC action should be ‘Calculate’
    The BC action for any date component (B0020 – B0270) does not need to be anything but ‘calculate’. The dates are already on the IBEL/IBEN as separate fields.

  3. ‘Allow Value Override’ is only necessary on ‘final date’ values B0070, B0130, B0140 are final storage BC’s for Effective, Eligible, Premium Start dates.

    B0200, B0260, B0270 are final storage BC’s for Expiration, Eligible Expiry, Premium End dates

    These components are the only ones that the user would override. Toggle should not be on for ‘interim’ date values.

  4. If plan expires at termination date, a full deduction is taken in final pay. If ‘Termination Date’ is used as the expiration date of plan, employee will be considered ‘in the plan’ by the system for their terminating pay. Example

    Pay Period Start = Jan 1, Pay Period End = Jan 15, Termination Date = Jan 3

    If rule is ‘use termination date’, the system will expire the benefit record as of Jan 3. Benefit plans are always updated using the pay period end date as the processing date, unless the termination date falls within the pay period. There is no automatic pro-ration of benefit amounts.

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