!!AT - No Time Allowed to be Taken for 6 months

;Statement:Employees earn their vacation entitlement per biweekly pay period. They are not allowed, however, to take vacation time during the first 6 months of employment and should not be paid out the amount if they terminate. As there is no rule to prevent an employee from taking time, a UserCalc is required at AC 270 or AC 280, to store off the entitlement amount until it is available to the employee. The entitlement is to be given to the employee on the pay before their 6-month anniversary to ensure that it is available during the next pay period.

!Set up
||IMUC      ||Variables||  
|Prob Date  |Date|	
|IPPC       |Pay Components|	  
|9015       |Prob Vac Earned|Statistic attached to Stat Prob Vac Ernd
|IDSC       |Statistic Components| 	
|Prob Vac Ernd|Replace|  

Product:  AT\\
Type: Function\\
Return Value:  Number

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||Else GoTo
|00030|LET|V|PROB DATE|BD|V|PROB DATE|A|-13D|00100|	
|00100|IF|$S|PERIOD-START-DATE|GT|V|PROB DATE|  |  |00200|00300
|00210|	LET|V|ENTITLEMENT|EQ|N|0|   |  |99999|	
|00300|PPE|  |  |BD|V|PROB DATE|  |  |00310|99999
|00310|	PPE|  |  |BD|DB|EEM.TERMINATION_DATE|  |  |99999|00320
|00320|	LET|	PC|	9015|	EQ|	N|	0|  |  |00330|	
|99999|	RET|V|ENTITLEMENT|  |  |  |  |  |99999	|

After publishing this UserCalc, attach it to Attendance Component A270 or A280 - Prorate by 

%%information The Attendance Component does not have to be Rule 00 User Calc Only. Users may choose the appropriate Rule and then by placing the UserCalc in the User Calc field it will be executed.%%

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