The job is necessary as you cannot query against a table from a trigger on that table, it launches with a 7 second delay to ensure all records are committed from the initial processing.
The job executes the procedure P2K_PEGEN.LeaveChangeCheck which will get the Status Type for the new record and for the record that expires one day prior to this new record and checks if one exists for a type of ‘A’ and one is a type of ‘L’ and if so, will call P2K_PEGEN.LeaveSplits. P2K_PEGEN.LeaveSplits first turns off Workflow by setting the P2K_PMWRKFLW.bypass WorkFlow flag to ‘TRUE’. Then it sets up and calls the procedure P2K_SMDSCOPY for each of the Non-Prime assignments that are not End Dated. The record is then updated with the new Change Reason and Employment Status. NOTE: This process will NOT touch future records, it will only split the record that exists at the date of the status change.
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