Attaching Assessments to the New Candidate Procedure#

Changed Steps#

In prior releases the assessments where handled via JavaScript (a .jsp file), but they have now been re-written to functions via a servlet.

This change means that IF you have already set up an assessment calling an HTML page within your New Candidate assessment, you will need to change it to use the servlet ssAssessment instead of the Assessment.jsp JavaScript file.

New steps are shown below.

How Do I Attach Assessments to the NEW CANDIDATE Procedure?#

1. Create the assessment in the form Prepare Assessments (IRAS).

2. Create an ‘html’ file with the following information:

<a href="http://{servername}:{port}/{SS Context}/ssAssessment?ASSESSMENT_CODE={RAS Code}" target=_blank>Click here to complete our general application questions.<BR></a>


  • ‘{servername}’ is the DNS name as known to the outside world,
  • ‘{port}’ is the port the application is accessed through (Note: if using port 80, the :{port} is not required),
  • ‘{SS Context}’ is the URL Context portion used to access Self Service; it is specified when deploying the EAR
  • ‘{RAS Code}’ is the assessment code.


<a href="" target=_blank>Click here to complete our general application questions.<BR></a></font></p>

3. Save the file in the "HLAppResource_XXXX\release\docs" folder under the Oracle Home on your OAS server.

4. Access the Maintain Function (IMFN) screen.

5. If you are changing one that already exists, select it from the list, or click the Add button. In our sample below we are using an HTML document (the one created above) called AssessmentExample.html. Your function should be set up similar to this.

6. In the Execution Rights tab, assign the function to the role you use for all your Candidate execution rights. For example, SS_CANDIDATE.

7. Now you can add this function to the NEW CANDIDATE procedure if it is not already there.


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