Assessments are used to determine if an individual meets the needs of specific job profiles. They establish the
level of proficiency an individual has attained in various competence categories.
Assessments are usually made up of questions and answers and can be anything from a
survey to an interview to a self-assessment. Responses to assessment questions may be in
the form of descriptive text or multiple-choice. Assessments may be conducted internally or
externally and are reusable.
Assessment profiles may be published in detail at any time or listed using different criteria
upon request. Assessments may be interfaced from or to other systems.
Assessments are maintained on the Prepare Assessments [(IRAS)] form.
The Publish Assessment Profiles [(RRAS)] screen allows you to publish assessment profiles either in full
detail or listed by various criteria upon request.
Assessments may be added to the New Candidate procedure to screen potential job applicants. To learn how assessments can be added to the New Candidate procedure please read [Attaching Assessments to New Candidate Procedure| ASSESSMENTS IN NEW CANDIDATE PROCEDURE].
Assessments may also be used by the Benefit Open Enrollment process in the [IBAS] screen as per the [OPEN ENROLLMENT ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS]

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