Approvers may be defined in IDAP with fours options. These options are “upto approval”, “allow send back”, “allow decline” and “allow change”. These only apply to a second level of approval or higher. Once that level of approval is reached the approver will be notified of the pending approval. At that time the approver now has three possible actions to make.

Up to Approval #

When Up to Approval is checked that approver is eligible to approve entities which they qualify for via the where clause, including entities that are waiting approval on a step with a lower sequence. When up to approval is granted “notification records (approval records)” will be created with a status of “Approval In Progress”.

Allow Send Back#

The Allow Send Back setting applies to a second level of approval or higher. If at the time of approval the approver has reviewed the approval entity and does not like what they see the option to send the entity back to the beginning of the approval process is available. This will set all previous step approvals (approval records) to have a status of “Approval Sent Back” which will cause the first step approvers to be notified to once again approve the entity. Comments as to why the send back was made may be entered if necessary. This option is available as an option in the right mouse click menu over the appropriate step on the approval bar.

Allow Decline #

The Allow Decline setting allows the approver to decline the approval entity. The option is applicable to all steps the approver is responsible for. If a decline is made the approval process is complete, no further approval notification is necessary. This option is available in the right mouse click menu . Comments as to why the decline was made may be entered if necessary.

Allow Change #

The Allow Change setting will cause the approval entity to be editable or not during the approval. Change is allowed when the toggle is checked. Change is NOT allowed when the toggle is unchecked.

Once an approval entity has entered the approval stage of "Stage_WaitingApproval", CRUD will be controlled to the appropriate approver. This means that only approvers who have rights to approve on the current step with "allow change" rights will be able to edit the information displayed.