!!!APPROVAL_WIP_REC (System Preference) |__Description__|This preference will generate an approval record with the status of 'Future Approval' for unsubmitted reocrds. |__Set at__| [IMST] |__Takes effect__| |__Values__| Valid values are any tables that have approval logic i.e. PTS, SPA, Etc. \\Multiple values can be used. |__Default__| N/A |__Notes__| This preference now replaces the old simulation logic applied when trying to find the possible approvals an approver may need to make. This logic gives more of an accurate view of the up and coming approvals by monitoring specific tables defined by this preference. The records that will display are those that have not yet entered an approval process. \\ \\With this preference defined for a specific table, the approval logic will generate an approval record with the status of 'Future Approval'. This preference would be typically used for time sheets to allow Managers to see what time sheets they may have to approve in the near future. With this enabled for time sheets, the system will display UNSUBMITTED time sheets for employees the Manager is responsible for. If this is enabled for Personnel Actions, the system will display PA's that are in progress (unsubmitted). ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.410.APPROVAL_WIP_REC(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.410.APPROVAL_WIP_REC(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]