*Approvals in the Benefit Open Enrollment facility are done at the Open Enrollment level, not at a plan level. Therefore, the Benefit Administrator will be approving an employee’s Open Enrollment in [IBPOE]; he/she will not be approving each individual plan election. 

*The approval processes for Benefit Open Enrollment must be defined in [IDAP] with an [approval type|APPROVAL_TYPE] of Open Enrollment EEs. The function the processes are tied to is [IBPOE]. 

*The process can consist of a single or multi-stepped sequence. 

*Approval processes for different events can be handled via where clauses. The where clause would filter the open enrollments based on event type.

*All Open Enrollments must be approved before they can be processed into enrollments. 

*If no approval process is defined or the employee’s Open Enrollment is not filtered to a specific Open Enrollment approval process a system generated generic approval process will be used. 

The following pages provide sample approval processes that may be defined for open enrollment.
*[Basic One Step Approval For Open Enrollment|BASIC ONE STEP OE APPROVAL]
*[Multi Step Approval For Open Enrollment|MULTI STEP OE APPROVAL]

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