Approval Stages#

Approval Entities are managed by stages. Simplified for example - “before”, “during” and “after”. Each stage is mapped for each approval entity. This enables each entity to manage themselves to their specific business status descriptions. These are lexicon columns on the entity which describe their status or authorization requirements.

The personnel actions mapping is given as an example below. For this example the “before” is stage_WorkInProcess, “during” is Stage_WaitingApproval and “after” is either “Stage_approved”, “Stage_Not_approved” or “Stage_Cancelled”

Personnel Actions – PA Status mappings translating from pa_status to approval stage.

PA Status Approval Stage
Pending Stage_WorkInProcess
In Progress Stage_WaitingApproval
Submitted Stage_WaitingApproval
Failed Update Stage_Approved
Approved Stage_Approved
Completed Stage_Approved
Not Approved Stage_Not_Approved
Tracked Copy Stage_Cancelled
Cancelled Stage_Cancelled

Personnel Actions – PA Status mappings translating from approval stage to pa_status

Approval Stage PA Status
Stage_WorkInProcess Pending
Stage_Not_Approved Not Approved
Stage_Cancelled Cancelled
Stage_WaitingApproval In Progress
Stage_Approved Approved

Final Approval#

Is a term used to describe any approval process that is in progress which has an approval made where it is deemed the last approval required for the process. This is possible for example in cases of missing approvers or an approval on the last step. Once final approval is made. The approval entity is updated to the “approved” stage


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