Approval Processes are user defined on the [IDAP] form. The Approval Process definitions identify which transactions require approvals, the [authorized approvers] and the levels of approval required. The Approval Process begins as soon as an employee (or other person) "[submits]" a transaction. Approvals may be done in eP or [Self Service], by managers and/or administrators. Supervisors who log into the [Manager Self-Service] module can view and approve transactions initiated by their employees. Administrators who log into eP or [HR Self Service] can view and approve transactions initiated by the employees they are authorized for. What can be approved? *[Applicant Hires]\\ Approval of new hires is done on [IRAP], [IRCA] and [IRPO]. *[Assessments]\\ Approval of assessments is done on [IRSA]. *[Benefit Elections]\\ Approval of benefits selected on the eP or Self Service election forms is done on IBEL or WxDAR. *[Class Registrations]\\ Approval of class registrations for employees is done on [ICRSE] or [WxCAT]. *[Classes]\\ Approval of training classes is done on [ICRSC]. *[Courses]\\ Approval of training courses is done on [ICRS]. *[Development Activities]\\ Approval of activities created for development programs is done on [ICDA] or [ICDP]. *[Development Programs]\\ Approval of development programs is done on [ICDP]. *[Job Requisitions]\\ Approval of job requisitions is done on [IRPO] and [IRPOA]. *[Leave Lines]\\ Approval of leave requests is done on [IAAL]. *[Pay Header Batches]\\ Not currently available *[Pay Transaction Batches]\\ Approval of payroll transaction batches is done in [IPTR] or [IPTRB]. *[Performance Reviews]\\ Approval of performance reviews is done on [ISRV] and [ICPD]. *[Personnel Actions]\\ Approval of personnel actions is done on [WxDAR] and [ISPA] through the [MSSPA] dialog. *[Time Sheets]\\ Approval of time sheets is done on [WxDATS], [WxPTS], [WxTTC], [WxTTS] and [IPTS] through the [MPAPTS] dialog. *[Training Resources]\\ Approval of training resources is done on [ICRS] and [ICRSC].