!!!ALLOW QUERY (System Preference)
__NOTE - This Preference is no longer supported.__
\\  \\ 
|__Description__|This preference allows an Advanced Search on main table. 
|__Set at__| [IMST] = Site \\ [IMRO] = Role
|__Takes effect__| 
|__Values__| Y = ''Yes''\\N = ''No''
|__Default__| Y = ''Yes''
|__Notes__| Advanced search is performed by selecting the ''Show Query Form'' icon on the main toolbar. \\  \\With this preference set users will see a set of binoculars in Self Service. If the client wants to remove these from the form you would set the ALLOW QUERY preference as "N" in IMRO for the role of WWW_EMPLOYEE this will remove the binoculars from all employee self service forms. It can also be set at the function level if you only want to remove from specific forms for example WELPH. 

![Notes|Edit:Internal.ALLOW QUERY(System_Preference)] 	
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