![Notes|Edit:Internal.ALLOW FIND FOCUS(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ALLOW FIND FOCUS(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}] !!!ALLOW FIND FOCUS (System Preference) This preference allows the user to hide the Find/Browsing Block when something is in focus. |__Description__|This preference allows the user to hide the Find/Browsing Block when something is in focus. |__Set at__| This preference is set by site ([IMST]) or by role ([IMRO]) or by function ([IMFN]). |__Takes effect__| Immediately |__Values__| Y = ''Yes''\\ N = ''No'' |__Default__| Y = ''Yes'' |__Notes__| This preference is only used for Self Service sceens. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ALLOW FIND FOCUS(System_Preference)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ALLOW FIND FOCUS(System_Preference)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]