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!!Setting up the Tax Information

Each Payroll is linked to a specific “ADP Tax Company” and this information must be entered on [IPPR].  This is used in quarterly reporting.
There are two lexicons on [IMLN] that must be defined to link pay components to the correct tax type for reporting to ADP.
*[ADP_TAX_TYPE]\\Tax type indicates whether the amount is considered a Deduction (or Contribution), a subject amount or a taxable amount. These will be sent as a set to ADP for processing so it is important to setup three different pay components for each tax code sent to ADP.
X_ADP_TAX_CODE		User Defined Lexicon
These tax codes are decided between ADP and the client and must be mapped in the ADP system to ensure that the amounts collected are applied to the correct tax accounts.

Tax codes follow a code pattern to be setup, in two parts

•	The first two characters of the tax code lexicon’s Saved Value tell the interface what level of taxation it is and how it should be processed by the interface. 
•	The remaining characters of the tax code indicate the taxation type (e.g. FIT, SIT, etc.) as agreed to between yourself an ADP

This is the list of allowed codes (in the first two characters):
•	FD – This indicates that it is a federal code. The interface will replace the FD with just an F to pass the code along to ADP. 
o	For example “FD MEDEE” will change to “F MEDEE” to send to ADP.
•	ST – This indicates that it is a specific state tax and the two-character code will be replaced by the two-character code of the state in which the tax applies. 
o	For example, for the state of Arizona the code “ST SIT” would change to “AZ SIT” before being passed along to ADP.
•	CT – This indicates that it is a city tax and the specific tax code will be retrieved from the IDGV screen based on the jurisdiction determined from the IPPH screen. 
•	CN – This indicates that this is a county tax and the specific code for it will be retrieved from the IDGV screen based on the jurisdiction listed on the IPPH screen.
•	HT – This indicates that this is a head tax.
•	SD – This indicates that this is a school district tax that will be determined from the IDGV screen for this employee.
•	XX – This is a special code that indicates that the code is an “exempt” code. The interface will remove the “XX” part of the code and then use the remainder as the code without any modifications. For example the code “XX665577” will be changed to “665577” and passed directly to ADP without any further modifications.


The ADP interface requires 4 components for each tax code including: Gross, Deduction, Subject and Taxable wages. The Gross amount is retrieved from an element in the payroll called “GROSS” but the remaining 3 components are setup as separate pay components in the IPPC screen.

Attached to the IPPC screen is a new area called “External Interface Items” and in this tab there are 3 items needed to setup a code to be transferred to ADP for this taxation interface.


ADP TAX CODE – the first is the tax code that this pay component represents. These tax codes are decided between ADP and the client and must be mapped in the ADP system to ensure that the amounts collected are applied to the correct tax accounts.

ADP TAX TYPE – the tax type indicates whether the amount is considered a Deduction (or Contribution), a subject amount or a taxable amount. These will be sent as a set to ADP for processing so it is important to setup 3 different pay components for each tax code sent to ADP.

ADP TAX RESIDENT – this indicates whether the tax is a resident tax or a work tax. If it is listed as a resident tax then the system will use the “home” jurisdiction on the IPPH header to determine how to apply the tax otherwise it will use the “work” jurisdiction.


To transfer the correct amounts to ADP a number of elements are required by the tax interface. These are defined in IPPE

This is the amount of Gross wages for inclusion in this interface. It may be a compound element that 

This element will contain an amount equal to the eligible taxable hours worked for the employee during the pay period.

This element holds the retirement earnings for the employee during the pay period.




You must ensure that you have defined tax jurisdiction information, and registration IDs for each type of tax that you are sending to ADP.

You must fill in the ADP Tax Code on this screen to reflect the tax code associated to this particular registration

This screen shows the pay runs that have been processed by the UPADPTXP update process.  If you are beginning to use this functionality after you have a large number of pays already closed in the application, you may want to use SQL to set the value of this toggle so that these past pays are not processed
Executing the Interface Programs
There are two interface programs – one for the Periodic Interface and one for the Quarterly Interface

UPADPTXP – Periodic Interface

This program processes all Pay headers (IPPH) in each pay run for the selected payroll where the Pay Run stage is “Closed” or “Journalized” and the ADP SUBMITTED toggle is not checked, in IPVP.


There is no mechanism for selecting individual pay runs within a payroll – all pay run s that are not yet processed will be picked up.

If you run this program in “Trial Run = No” mode, then the Pay Run toggle will be checked at the end of the processing.  Running it with  “Trial Mode = Yes” or not specified will not check the toggle, and you may reprocess the payruns over and over again.

The directory specified is a database server-centric directory, that must be accessible by the data base server processes.

This process will also update the table P2K_PR_ADP_TAX_INTERFACES with the summarized data.  This is used for subsequent reporting by the UPADPTXQ (Quarterly Interface) process, and can be viewed with the VPADPI screen.
UPADPTXQ – Quarterly Interface

This program will process and produce a quarterly taxation file for ADP, for the ADP Tax Company (defined in IPPR) as selected.

The List Of Values (LOV) lookup may show multiple values for the same ADP Tax Company, if the same value is used on multiple payrolls.  This is a known issue and has no impact on the processing.

Note that this process will report and summarize the data as previously run on UPADPTXP interface runs.  If you do not have a complete quarter’s worth of data processed by UPADPTXP, then this file will not reflect the correct values.

VADPI - Viewing ADP Interface Data 
This screen is a view-only screen that presents the data created by the UPADPTXP process.  The data is extensive and this screen is non performant.

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