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*Open a browser and enter the URL to access the admin console, (e.g. ''http://myserver.mydomain:port/ePersonality_DEMO/adminConsole'').\\%%information Note: The URL is case sensitive and ''myserver.mydomain.com'' refers to the name of your application server and domain.%%
*Once you have successfully connected to the admin console the following screen is displayed:\\[SOFTWARE_INSTALLATION.DATABASE_CONNECTION_01.JPG]
*In the __Database IP__ field, enter the name or IP address of the server that hosts the Demo database instance. 
*In the __Database Port__ field, enter the Listener port.\\%%information Note:If you are using the default Listener port 1521, you can leave this field blank.%% 
*In the __Database SID__ field, enter the database SID for the Demo instance. 
*In the __Password__ field enter the P2K User password.
*In the __Resources Directory__ field, append the instance name to HLAppResources (e.g. ''HLAppResources_DEMO'')
*Click __Continue__ to establish the JDBC connection to the database. 
*Once you have successfully connected to the database, you will be prompted to restart the server. 
*Navigate back to Enterprise Manager Application Server Control and restart the Demo OC4J instance. 
*Perform the same steps and connect the Pilot and Prod OC4J instance to the Pilot and Prod database respectively. 

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