The following are instructions to transition your users from the Admin interface to the Browser interface.


Self Service Menus in the 5.04 Release have been moved to the left side of the screen to allow space for new Manager and Employee finds.

The right side has a ‘Splash Menu’ (IMMU) used to control context links of what work can be done based on the function in the content area of Self Service.

Menus are based on IMMU definitions. Left side menus are controlled by the Role the user has selected. Menus are located within ‘Tabs’. These tabs will also be part of the IMMU definitions.

The top-level definitions are named to identify ‘left or right’ and the role they are intended for.

In order for any MENU item to appear, users must have execution rights defined. If no execution rights are found, the items will not appear when a user logs into Self Service.

NOTE: Admin screens and reports can be accessed through the command line in self service without an associated link on IMMU.

Admin users can be converted to Self Service users.

Link to Video


Default menus are provided by High Line in seed data.

The menus are now linked to a role on the new tab “Menus Assigned”.

Self Service menus will be linked through Role (IMRO) to a Menu Type called “Browser Menu Only”

The following menus come pre-loaded, associated to the WWW_ roles:

Role TypeMenu


There are 4 types of menus set up in Self Service:

1. Main Menu – Controls the number of “Tabs” that are found
2. Tab Menus - Controls the options that are found under the “Tabs”
3. Items - Controls the items that appear in the right hand area of the screen (Splash/Functions)
4. Related Tasks

Main Menu
This menu controls the number of “Tabs” that will be visible in Self Service:

Uses the Main Menu associated to the Role (IMRO), such as WWW_EMPLOYEE uses MSS_LEFT_MAIN

  • TAB2 = MSS_PM

Submenus set up on this menu (IMMU) will be a new “Tab” in self-service. The more “Submenu’s” defined, the more tabs will appear.

  • The Label will be the value that appears on the Tab in self-service.
  • On IMMU - only “Sub Menus” should be set up at this level and not functions

Tab Menu
This menu controls the items that appear inside the “Tabs” in self service. These menus should be linked to the “Main Menu” identified above (%SS_LEFT_MAIN).

The lowest sequenced number defined on IMMU will identify what the default view will be when Self Service opens. Alternately the home icon is selected.

  • This is the BI DASHBOARD panels by default.
  • If not using BI DASHBOARD, users should delete the BI DASHBOARD item from the menu. This will result in the “SPLASH” becoming the “Home” screen.

A tab can contain other sub menus or one of the employee find functions, such as:

  • WMOCM - Self Service Manager Org Chart Menu
  • WAEF - SS Administrator Employee Find
  • Other functions defined directly as tab contents are NOT supported.

Employee find functions for a manager or administrator must be defined as “Embedded Functions” (WMOCM and WAEF are the only two functions supported like this).

This part of menu set up controls what appears on the main section of Self Service. These can be functions or, if needed, additional Splash Menus.

Functions are linked to the “Sub Menu” defined in the parent “Tab Menu”. All Sub Menus must eventually reference a “Function”.

Example Menu Set Up: MSS_LEFT_MAIN - MSS MAIN - MSS_ADMIN - My Employees (Function WMEEM)

Splash Menu
If users prefer to see all the available functions on the main screen, a “Splash Screen” should be configured. This is done be adding one last layer of “Sub Menu” from the Tab Menu.

Menu will use the previous standards in layout:

  • Menu items with an even sequence number will appear on the left
  • Odd sequence number will appear on the right

Functions referenced within the Submenus, referenced within the splash menu, will also wrap using the same number sequence.


Related Tasks
Related tasks appear automatically based on 2 factors:

1. The user has an execution right to the drill down item. 2. There is a “Drill Down” (IMFDH) on the Function in focus. Drill downs are typically defined in IMFDH on the Menus/Drill Downs tab, with an association to a form item.

This definition technique is only used in Admin.

For Self Service related tasks, the drill down item is recommended to be defined as a negative number to be easily visible as an SS related task.

Only functions for which the user has execution rights will be listed in the related-tasks.

The right-side tab is defined as a menu RIGHT_MAIN. This top-level menu follows the same rules as the left. The top menu must only contain sub menus which are rendered as tabs.

The menu label is used on tab label.