!!!ACA LINE 14 
Line 14 box may contain one of the following codes, and will be printed in the 1095C accordingly:

*1A. Qualifying Offer: Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to full-time employee with employee contribution for self-only coverage equal to or less than 9.5% mainland single federal poverty line and at least minimum essential coverage offered to spouse and dependent(s).
*1B. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee only.
*1C. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to dependent(s) (not spouse).
*1D. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to spouse (not dependent(s)).
*1E. Minimum essential coverage providing minimum value offered to employee and at least minimum essential coverage offered to dependent(s) and spouse.
*1F. Minimum essential coverage NOT providing minimum value offered to employee, or employee and spouse or dependent(s), or employee, spouse and dependents.
*1G. Offer of coverage to employee who was not a full-time employee for any month of the calendar year and who enrolled in self-insured coverage for one or more months of the calendar year.
*1H. No offer of coverage (employee not offered any health coverage or employee offered coverage that is not minimum essential coverage). This is set on IEAS.
*1I. Qualifying Offer Transition Relief 2015: Employee (and spouse or dependents) received no offer of coverage, received an offer that is not a qualifying offer, or received a qualifying offer for less than 12 months.  This is set on IEAS.
Code 1F, above, is not currently set by the UBACA function and would need to be set manually in IBACAE.

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