!!!Year End Wage Rate

This component derives what rate is used for the prior year time remaining.

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00|Use UserCalc Only|Derives the wage rate for prior year Time from\\the <UserCalc> specified.\\The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’,\\with a return value of the type ‘Numeric’. Use\\the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user supplied Wage Rate at Year End.|\\|[A940|AC-A940]
|01|From Element|Derives the wage rate for prior year time from\\the <Element> specified.|\\|[A940|AC-A940]
|02|From Pay Component|Derives the wage rate from the value of the\\specified <PC Code>.|\\|[A940|AC-A940]
|03*|Use Assignment Wage\\Rate|Uses the rate from the employee’s primary\\assignment record.|\\|[A940|AC-A940]
|04|Use Accrual Wage Rate|Uses the rate from the employee’s current\\leave accrual record (A010), or the <Value>\\specified in the component.\\If the rate required is to be what has been\\calculated in A010 (Regular Wage Rate), use\\Rule 04.|[A010|AC-A010]|[A940|AC-A940]
|05|Use Payout Accrual Wage\\Rate|Uses the rate determined in A710 (Payout\\Wage Rate), or the <Value> specified in the\\component.\\If the rate required is to be what the employee\\would receive if they took time now, use Rule\\05.|[A710|AC-A710]|[A930|AC-A930]

When the prior year time is calculated, users may wish to hold this time at a different rate than the one found currently on the accrual file.

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