!!!A780 Extra Amount Paid Out on Termination {optional}

This component determines if there is a difference between the accrual and the amount that must be paid out (e.g. the result of a wage change).

If there is a difference in the amount owing and the amount paid out, should it be tracked?

''Yes: Choose the rule to be used''

''No: Go to A900''

||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|Difference Between Amount Owing and Amount Paid Out|Calculates the termination amount paid out (A770) less the termination amount owing (A750). This component, if defined, creates a leave line for the difference between what was paid out and what was actually owed the employee. If a <PC Code> is specified, this amount will also be recorded as a pay component amount to be paid out to or tracked for the employee (from where it could be recorded on financial ledgers or for reporting purposes).|[A750|AC-A750]\\[A770|AC-A770]|[A900|AC-A900]

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