AC-A 760
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Termination Time Payout {optional}#

Is time paid out on termination?

If this component is chosen the amounts will not be paid out unless the ‘Final Pay Method’ is indicated on the pay header. The method will be updated when the employee has been terminated within the pay period and the Termination Reason code has ‘Final Pay’ indicated on the IDTR form.

Any activity in this component will reduce the Time Owing in A700 to zero (0).

Yes: Choose the rule to be used

No: Go to A900

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Time Paid out on
Causes the time owing on termination (A740) to
pay out when the employee’s employment
status is “terminated”.
It may be necessary to record the Time owed
on termination, but not desired to automatically
pay out this Time. If this component is used, a
leave line for the time will be created
automatically when the employee is terminated.
If the amount is to be recorded on the payroll
register and stub, a payroll Time component
must be defined for this component.
It may be necessary to record the time lost (not
paid out) on termination in financial ledgers. In
this case, define this component, and include a
payroll component that does not appear on the
employee payroll stub.

Notes #

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