!!!Current Year Time Owing This component calculates the time owing at the current evaluation. Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Current Year Time Owing rule. ||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to |01|Prior Year Only less Taken|Does not allow employee to take Time from the\\current year’s entitlement.\\The ONLY Time available to employees is\\calculated as:\\Prior Year Entitlement (A050+A900) – Time\\taken (A300)\\If the employee is not allowed to take owed\\entitlement from the Leave Policy at all (either\\current or prior year amounts), choose Rule 01\\and use year-end processing to stop prior year\\from being carried over.|[A050|AC-A050]\\[A900|AC-A900]\\[A300|AC-A300]|[A710|AC-A710] |02*|Prior Year Plus Current\\Year less Taken|Allows employees to take the time calculated\\as:\\Time From Prior Year Amounts Carried\\Forward (A050+A900) (if any has been\\allowed) + Current Year Entitlement (A330) -\\Time Taken (A300).\\If only the current year entitlement is allowed,\\choose Rule 02 and use year-end processing\\to stop prior year from being carried over.|A050|AC-A050]\\[A900|AC-A900]\\[A300|AC-A300]\\[A330|AC-A330]|[A710|AC-A710] This component may be used to show, on the employee stub, the current time owing balance of the leave bank. If desired, specify a pay component, and ensure that the AC Action includes logging to the leave lines.