!!!Time Entitlement Given this Period
\\This component captures an audit trail of entitlement changes resulting from evaluation.\\ \\Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Time Entitlement Given this Period’ rule.\\
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01*|Time Entitlement change|Creates a Leave Line for any change in the entitlement.\\Holds the difference between the derived entitlement from this evaluation and the entitlement from the existing accrual record. Calculates:\\New Time Entitlement – Previous Time Entitlement|[A330|AC-A330]|[A360|AC-A360]
\\Users may wish to store the value calculated here in a pay component. The result of this attendance component is the time earned this pay. If desired, specify a Time Earned pay component and ensure that the AC Action includes logging to the leave lines.

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