!!!Current Year Time Entitlement (Caps Applied)
\\This component determines the total time entitlement and applies any rolling or annual entitlement cap.\\ \\Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Current Year-to-Date Time Entitlement’ rule.\\
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01*|Total Owing Limit (uses\\Rolling Cap)|Compares the Time Available to Take (A320) to the Rolling Cap supplied on the Service Level (or overridden on the Component in the <Value> field) and take the lesser of the two as the result. Then Prior Year Time ([A900|AC-A900]) is subtracted to get the end result. If [A330|AC-A330] is calculated as a negative it will be made zero before it is stored. The Total Owing Limit ensures that the total Time owing (earned less taken) does not exceed a specified amount. In this case, if employees reach the  cap, they will not earn more entitlement until some leave is taken. When the leave owing falls below the cap, any previous entitlement that may have been earned will be given back to the employee.|[A320|AC-A320]|[A340|AC-A340]
|02|Total Entitlement Limit\\(uses Entitlement Cap)|Compares the Current Year Entitlement ([A290|AC-A290]) to the Entitlement Cap supplied on the Service Level (or overridden on the Component in the <Value> field) and takes the lesser of the two as the result.\\The Total Entitlement Limit stops the employee from earning more than the annual cap specified in any policy term. It does not consider time taken.|[A290|AC-A290]|[A340|AC-A340]
|03|Entitlement has no Caps\\Applied|Use this rule if Current Year Entitlement ([A290|AC-A290]) is granted with no upper limit on the value.|[A290|AC-A290]|[A340|AC-A340]
|04|Total Entitlement Less\\Excess (uses Rolling Cap)\\Used only for Comp Time\\banks, in conjunction with\\A345 Rule 01\\|Uses the Time Available to Take ([A320|AC-A320]) less the official Excess over the Cap ([A340|AC-A340]) and compares this time to the Rolling Cap supplied on the Service Level (or overridden on the Component in the <Value> field) and takes the lesser of the two as the result.\\The Total Owing Limit ensures that the total time owing (earned less taken less excess) does not exceed a specified amount. In this case, if employees reach the cap, they will not earn more entitlement until some leave is taken. When the leave owing falls below the cap, entitlement may be earned.|[A290|AC-A290]\\[A320|AC-A320]\\[A340|AC-A340]\\[A345|AC-A345]|[A340|AC-A340]
|05|Total Owing Limit (uses Rolling Cap and Period Max)|Compares the current year time owing to the Rolling Cap supplied on the Service Level (or overridden on the component in the <Value> field) and takes the lesser of the two as the result. The Total Owing Limit ensures that the total Time owing (earned less taken) does not exceed a specified amount. In this case, if employees reach the cap, they will not earn more entitlement until some leave is taken. When the leave owing falls below the cap, the period entitlement may be earned. Use this rule for not only capping Gross Entitlement ([A290|AC-A290]) when the Available To Take ([A320|AC-A320]) is greater than the Rolling Cap BUT when the Available To Take ([A320|AC-A320]) comes back under the Rolling Cap ONLY allow back into [A330|AC-A330] the Period Entitlement.|[A290|AC-A290]\\\[A320|AC-A320]|[A340|AC-A340]
|06|Previous and Current Entitlement Cap|An annual cap that is the total of the current entitlement plus any prior year entitlement.  Once this has been reached, the employee can no longer bank time.  The annual entitlement cap is either specified on the service level record or entered in the value of the component.  This rule will cap entitlement regardless of any leave ‘Taken’ in the current year.|[A290|AC-A290]|[A340|AC-A340]
If users wish to report the time owing on the payroll stub, or to the financial journal, [A700|AC-A700] should be used, as the value from [A330|AC-A330] may or may not (depending on the rule chosen), include time taken.

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