!!!A320 Time Available to Take (Before Cap)
\\This component calculates the leave accrual time available to take before any caps are applied.\\ \\Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Time Available to Take’ rule.\\
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|From Prior Year Only less\\Current Year Time Taken|Calculates:\\ Prior Year Time Owing ([A050|AC-A050]+[A900|AC-A900]) – Current Year Time Taken ([A300|AC-A300]).|[A050|AC-A050]\\[A300|AC-A300]\\[A900|AC-A900]|[A330|AC-A330]
|02*|Prior Year Plus Current\\Year less Current Year\\Time Taken|Calculates:\\Prior Year Time Owing ([A050|AC-A050] + [A900|AC-A900]) + Current Year Time Accrued ([A290|AC-A290]) - Current Year Time Taken ([A300|AC-A300]).|[A050|AC-A050]\\[A290|AC-A290]\\[A300|AC-A300]\\[A900|AC-A900]|[A330|AC-A330]
|03|Prior Year Plus Annual\\Entitlement Cap less\\Current Year Time Taken|Calculates:\\Prior Year Owing ([A050|AC-A050] + [A900|AC-A900]) to the annual cap (based on the Service Level) - Current Year Time Taken ([A300|AC-A300]). Allows users to  specify that an employee may take more than what is currently owed, up to a yearly cap (the maximum that is earned at this Service Level). This rule  is used for companies that wish to allow an employee to take a full year’s entitlement earlier in the year than before it’s actually earned. Amount Owing may become a negative.|[A050|AC-A050]\\[A300|AC-A300]\\[A900|AC-A900]|[A330|AC-A330]

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