!!!Entitlement Date Anniversary
This component specifies whether the entitlement is given once a year, or apportioned on a
monthly basis.
\\ \\If A200, Rule 03 is used indicate, here if the entitlement anniversary is monthly or annual. Choose the rule used as the ‘Entitlement Date Anniversary’ rule.
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|01|Monthly Anniversary|Derives the day (DD) of Entitlement Date ([A210|AC-A210]) and gives the period entitlement on that day each month.|[A200|AC-A200]\\Rule03\\[A210|AC-A210]|[A230|AC-A230]
|02|Yearly Anniversary|Derives the day and month (DDMM) of Entitlement Date ([A210|AC-A210]) and gives the period entitlement on that day every year.|[A200|AC-A200]\\Rule03\\[A210|AC-A210]|[A230|AC-A230]
|03|Start Date of Accrual|Uses this rule when the entitlement is to be granted at the Start Date of the Accrual. This rule is used when the policy year is based on first occurrence not a set year.|[A200|AC-A200]\\Rule03\\[A210|AC-A210]|[A230|AC-A230]

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