AC-A 130
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Service Length#

This component indicates how service is evaluated, either incremented or recalculated.

For A100 - Rule 00(UserCalc) or Rule 01(Element) use:

A130 Rule 01 (Increment) only

If you are feeding service values periodically (e.g. time worked this pay period) via a UserCalc or element, you should be using the increment rule.

For A100 - Rule 02(Service Date) use:

A130 Rule 02 (Replace) only
If you are feeding the total service value (e.g. total hours worked last year or total service length) via a UserCalc or element, you should use the replace rule.
If you are calculating based on a date (e.g. hire or seniority), you should use the replace rule.

Your alternatives are:

  1. Calculate service length with a UserCalc
  2. Apply adjustment to their service date rather than to their service length