A100 Service Length Calculation Method#

This component determines the method used to calculate ‘Length of Service’ and is required when leave policy accruals vary based on service.

Choose the rule that is used as ‘Service Length Calculation Method’ rule.

RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Service Length from User CalcDerives service length from the <UserCalc> specified.
The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Numeric’. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.
If Service Level is not based on a date, but on some other value, users may choose this rule and enter a UserCalc on this component to calculate Service Level.
This value is interpreted by the component as a user supplied length of service, and must be in the same time basis as the service basis specified on the leave policy definition.

01Use Service Length from ElementDerives service length from the <Element> specified (Element must contain nonattendance type pay components).
Users may choose this rule and define an element on the component where the Service Level is held.
The value of the element will be used as the user supplied length of service, and must be in the same time basis as the service basis specified on the leave policy definition.

02*Calculate Based on Service DateUses service date as defined in “A110 -Service Date”.
Used if users would like the attendance program to calculate the Service Levelbased on some service date.


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