A010 Wage Rate#

This component determines the wage rate used for attendance calculations and is required to calculate the value of any leave policy time accrued, taken or owing.

Choose the rule that is used as the ‘Wage Rate’ rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00User Calc OnlyDerives wage rate from the <UserCalc> specified.
The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Numeric’. Use the RET operator to return the Numeric value.
This value is interpreted by the component as a user supplied wage rate.

01Use Element Wage RateDerives wage rate from the <Element> specified.
02*Use Assignment Wage RateThe wage rate from the employee’s primary assignment will be used.
03Use Accrual Wage RateUses the wage rate from the employee’s current leave accrual. The employee’s leave accrual detail must be initialized with a value, either by conversion or manual input, or through the component value.

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