!!!Components to Calculate Time Entitlement (A200-A399) Once Preprocessing/Qualification and Calculation of Service Level have been completed, it is necessary to define how Time Entitlement, and the Amounts that result from Time, are calculated. Please note that it is necessary to review these components for all policies, including those that do not track time at all, as the frequency and date qualifications are applicable to all policies. Is there an entitlement given for this policy? *Yes Go to [A200|AC-A200] *No Go to [Components to Calculate Earnings and Percentages|A400 to A699] !Time Entitlement Components |[A200|AC-A200] |Entitlement Frequency |[A210|AC-A210] |Entitlement Date |[A220|AC-A220] |Entitlement Date Anniversary |[A230|AC-A230] |Hired By in Month Qualification {optional} |[A240|AC-A240] |Terminated On/After Day in Month {optional} |[A250|AC-A250] |Time Worked {optional} |[A260|AC-A260] |Period Entitlement Method |[A270|AC-A270] |Prorate by FTE Rule {optional} |[A280|AC-A280] |Prorate by Time Worked Rule {optional} |[A290|AC-A290] |Current Year Entitlement Time (Before Cap) |[A300|AC-A300] |Total Time Taken |[A320|AC-A320] |Time Available to Take |[A330|AC-A330] |Current Year Entitlement (Caps Applied) |[A340|AC-A340] |Excess Over Cap {optional} |[A345|AC-A345] |Accumulate Excess Over Cap {optional} |[A350|AC-A350] |Time Entitlement Given this Period |[A360|AC-A360] |Amount Entitlement Given This Period |[A370|AC-A370] |Current Year Amount Paid |[A380|AC-A380] |Current Year Amount Earned |[A390|AC-A390] |Excess Over Cap Amount ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.A200+to+A399] [{InsertPage page='Internal.A200+to+A399' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]