!!$V - System Variable

System Variables are the amounts calculated by the FLSA process ONLY. After the FLSA process is executed the first time it will store several amounts from the process. Any UserCalc indicated on the Group form ([IDGR]) will then be executed, and has access to these amounts:


;Requirement:Employees are only paid FLSA for all time worked over 40 hours only if they worked more than 45 hours, otherwise they just receive their normal salary (no overtime paid). This means that if the employee works for 44 hours they get no additional pay, but if they work for 46 hours they get 6 hours of overtime. FLSA is set up to pay over 40 hours and a UserCalc will determine if there needs to be an adjustment or not.

;Statement:If the hours worked are greater than 40 but less than 45 then let the Adjust FLSA Hours PC 112 be equal to the negative value of the hours over 45.

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||	Else GoTo
|00010|	IF|$V|FLSA-TOTAL-HOURS|LT|N|40|  |  |99999|	00020
|00200|	IF|	$V|	FLSA-TOTAL-HOURS|	GE|	N|	45|   |   |99999|	00030
|00030|	LET|	PC|	112|	SUB|	$V|	FLSA-TOTAL-HOURS|	N|	40|	00040|	
|00040|	LET|	PC|	112|	MLT|	PC|	112|	N|	-1|	99999	|
|99999|	EXIT|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |99999	|

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