!!$P - Parameter 
Parameters are number amounts, character strings, Boolean values, or date values that are passed automatically to Functions and Qualifications UserCalcs.   (The number and types of parameters that are passed to a Function or Qualifier may differ depending on the calling program or application.)

Parameters are exclusively used in the Benefit or Attendance applications as Functions or Qualifiers. 

;Statement:If the employee has worked 2000 hours in the current year, award the employee the full entitlement - $200. If the employee has worked more than 1040 hours in the current year, award the employee 50% of the entitlement. Otherwise, award the employee 20% of the entitlement.

In the example below, the UserCalc will operate as such:
|Line  00010|Captures the value of the entitlement, $200
|Line  00100|Checks if the employee worked more than 2000 hours. \\If so, the UserCalc goes to Line 99999 which returns a value of the full amount of the entitlement, $200.\\If not, the UserCalc goes to Line 00200
|Line  00200|Checks to see if the employee worked more than 1040 hours.\\If so, the UserCalc goes to Line 00300 to calculate 50% of the entitlement.  $200 x .50 = $100\\If not, the UserCalc goes to Line 00400 to calculate 20% of the entitlement.  $200 x .20 = $40
|Line  00300 & 00400|Once the calculation is complete in these lines, the UserCalc goes to Line 99999 to return the appropriate value.

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||	Else GoTo
|00010|	LET|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|	EQ|	$P|NUMBER-PARAMETER| | |			00100|	
|00100|	IF|	EY|	TIME WORKED|	GT|	N|	2000|  |  |99999|	00200
|00200|	IF|	EY|	TIME WORKED|	GT|	N|	1040|  |  |00300|	00400
|00300|	LET|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|	MLT|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|	N|	0.50|	99999|	
|00400|	LET|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|	MLT|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|	N|	0.20|	99999	|
|99999|	RET|	V|	ENTITLEMENT|  |  |  |  |  |						99999|	

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