!!SC - User Variable

User Variables are a type of variable whose value is defined by the user. These variables are provided to allow system-wide values that may be referenced by a variety of applications.

The unique properties of user variables are:
* Date sensitive, allowing rates to change over time while keeping a history of the changes
* Not updated by any of the UserCalc types
* Not maintained within the UserCalc form
* Not created with the UserCalc tool

Statement:Parking Fees are currently $15 (this amount increase twice a year) and stored in Pay Component 256. (OT=PC, Operand1 = 256).

||Line	||CMD	||OT||	Operand 1||	OPER||	OT||	Operand2||	OT||	Operand3||	If Goto	Else|| GoTo
|00010|	LET|	PC|	256|	EQ|	$C	|PARKING FEES	|  |  |		99999	|
|99999|	EXIT|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |								99999	|