This page (revision-22) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by UnknownAuthor

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The My Monthly Time Cards form (WEPMTC) is a form intended for employees so they may update and review their monthly time cards. The form will only show time cards that are hours based and those that are of the following statuses: Scheduled Modified, Active, Rules Applied, Submitted and Ready for PR.
The My Monthly Time Cards form (WEPMTC) is a form intended for employees so they may update and review their monthly time cards. The form will only show time cards that are hours based and those that are of the following statuses: Scheduled Modified, Active, Rules Applied, Submitted and Ready for PR.
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The definition data for the My Monthly Time Card screen is stored in the [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEETS], [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEET_ENTRIES], [P2K_PR_TIMESHEET_TOTAL_GIVENS], [P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS], [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] and the [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINE_DETAILS] tables.
The definition data for the My Monthly Time Card screen is stored in the [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEETS], [P2K_PR_TIME_SHEET_ENTRIES], [P2K_PR_SPTS_TC_TOTALS], [P2K_PR_SPTS_TC_TYPE_TOTALS], [P2K_PR_TIMESHEET_TOTAL_GIVENS], [P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS], [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES] and the [P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINE_DETAILS] tables.
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;[Submit My Time Card|ACT_SUBMIT_TIME_SHEET]:After all time exceptions have been entered and the time entries verified by the employee, they may submit the time card by depressing the Submit Time Card button.
The status of the timesheet will change from 'Active/Rules Applied' to 'Submitted' once the button has been clicked.
;Go to Time Card HISTORY:By pressing this action button the user is directed to the My Time Collection Hours History screen ([WEPTEH])
!!Details tab
!Work Distribution
In this section the employee will add/edit their monthly entries.
;Assignment/Position: This field holds the assignment and position the employee worked for that time entry.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION|]: This field holds the description of the employee's assignment.
;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:This field is used to associate a cost center to the time exception.
;[Time or Amount|TIME_OR_AMOUNT]:The amount of time the time entry was entered for is displayed here.
;[Comments|REFERENCE_INFO]:This field is used to enter notes for the time exception.
;[Authorization Status|AUTHORIZATION_STATUS|]: The authorization status of the time exception is held here.
;Mgr.: The employee's supervisor for the assignment designated on the time exception will show here.
The employee will receive a message if their total time is over allocated.
This section will allow an employee to enter leave time for all time codes defined in the [X_TM_LEAVES] lexicon. The time code must also be on the employee's work rule. The employee will enter the total number of absent hours for the period. All leaves will be stamped with the Time Sheet End Date.
;[Absent Time|DESCRIPTION|]: This field holds the description of the time code.
;[# of Hours|TIME_OR_AMOUNT|]:The amount of leave time is entered here.
;[Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE|]: The Balance owing is shown here. This is updated when the entry is saved.
!Reimbursements and Deductions
The employee may enter items for reimbursement or deduction. The list will show time codes defined in the [X_TM_SUNDRIES] if they have also been entered as a time rule on the employee's work rule. The Time rule would be created in the [ITRT] as User Defined.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION|]:This field holds the description of the time code.
;[Time or Amount|TIME_OR_AMOUNT|]:The amount of reimbursement or deduction is entered here.
;[Bs|TIME_BASIS|]:This field displays the time measurement of the reimbursement or deduction.
;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE|]:This field holds the employee's assignment code for the entry.
!!Totals Tab
%%information This is a view only tab%%
This tab is a summary of time codes, time code types and time code sets as well as a Leave Balance summary for the employee.
!Time Code Totals
;[Date|Date|]:This field holds the pay period end date.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE|]: This fields holds the time code.
;[Amount|TOTAL|]: This is the total hours/amount for the time code.
!Time Type Totals
;[Date|Date|]:This field holds the pay period end date.
;[Time Type|LEX_ABBREVIATION|]: This field holds the time type.
;[Amount|TOTAL|]: This is the total hours/amount for the time type.
!Time Code Set Totals
;[Time Code Set|TIME_CODE_SET_CODE|]: This field holds the time code set code.
;[Amount|ACTUAL_AMOUNT|]: This field holds the total value of the time code set.
!Leave Bank Balances
;[Leave|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE|]: This field is the leave type.
;[Balance|DRV_BALANCE_TO_DATE|]:This field displays the balance of the leave.
!Cascade Leaves
If Leave taken results in cascading the leave line entered will show here.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field will display the start date of the leave.
;[End Date|END_DATE]:This field will display the last day of the leave.
;[Time Code|TIME_CODE]:The time code associated to the recorded leave is displayed here.
;[Type|LEAVE_TYPE_CODE]:The type of leave the time is for is displayed here.
;[Projected Time|PROJECTED_TIME]:The amount of projected time for the leave is displayed here.
;[Actual Time|OVERALL_LEAVE_TIME]:The actual overall amount of leave time is displayed here.
;[Basis|TIME_BASIS]:The time basis of the leave is displayed here.
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