This page (revision-29) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by mmcfarland

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 29 KB mmcfarland to previous
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last US TAX RECIP ==> US TAX RECIP(System_Preference)
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jescott to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jescott to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 30 KB jmyers to previous | to last

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At line 195 changed 6 lines
Tax Amount Optional, this is used by Symmetry - If ust_tax_method = '06' (Flat) then
sit_tax = ust_tax_amount
Tax % Optional, this is used by Symmetry
|Tax Amount|Optional, this is used by Symmetry|- If ust_tax_method = '06' (Flat) then\\sit_tax = ust_tax_amount
|Tax %|Optional, this is used by Symmetry
At line 202 changed one line
5 Local Level
!!Local Level
At line 204 changed one line
5.1 Local Level Field Description
!Local Level Field Description
At line 207 changed one line
Local Tab Description IPRLU Value Symmetry Description
||Local Tab Description||IPRLU Value||Symmetry Description
At line 209 changed one line
Local level Taxation is automatically calculated by Symmetry based on the GNIS location code (i.e.GEO Code).
| | |Local level Taxation is automatically calculated by Symmetry based on the GNIS location code (i.e.GEO Code).\\ \\There is no need to set up Local tab information except to suppress certain Tax Calculation by entering 'Do Not Calculate' on the Local tab.\\ \\If Additional information is needed in order to calculate the Local level tax, it will be set up on IPRLU __MISCELLANEOUS__ Tab by Misc. Identifiers for the Local.\\ \\These additional Local Misc Identifiers will be supplied by the system via IPUTP (Maintain US Tax Parameters) screen, the user then should set up on IPRLU MISC Tab with these Local Misc. Identifiers.
|County Tax Method|Lexicon\\X_ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD|
| |01 - Normal Method\\(Default Method)|- the State Level Taxable Earnings, 125/401K exemptions are used at the Local Level\\ \\- no need to set up pay components for Pre-Earnings PC Usages at the County Level\\ \\- must set up pay components to store the results of County Tax and County Earnings by County PC Usages
| |All other values except 99\\(Default to Rule 01)|- same as 01 - Normal Method
| |99 - Do Not Calculate|- If uloc_county_tax_method = '99' then County Tax will not be calculated
|City Tax Method|Lexicon\\X_ULOC_CITY_TAX_METHOD|
| |01 - Normal Method\\(Default Method)|- the State Level Taxable Earnings, 125/401K exemptions are used at the Local Level\\ \\- no need to set up pay components for Pre-Earnings PC Usages at the City Level\\ \\- must set up pay components to store the results of City Tax and City Earnings by City PC Usages
| |All other values except 99\\(Default to Rule 01)|- same as 01 - Normal Method
| |99 - Do Not Calculate|- If uloc_city_tax_method = '99' then City Tax will not be calculated
At line 211 removed 6 lines
There is no need to set up Local Tab Information except to suppress certain Tax Calculation by entering ‘Do Not Calculate’ on the Local Tab.
If Additional information is needed in order to calculate the Local level tax, it will be set up on IPRLU MISCELLANEOUS Tab by Misc. Identifiers for the Local.
These additional Local Misc Identifiers will be supplied by the system via IPUTP (Maintain US Tax Parameters) screen, the user then should set up on IPRLU MISC Tab with these Local Misc. Identifiers.
At line 218 removed 41 lines
County Tax Method Lexicon X_ULOC_COUNTY_TAX_METHOD
01 - Normal Method
(Default Method)
- the State Level Taxable Earnings, 125/401K exemptions are used at the Local Level
- no need to set up pay components for Pre-Earnings PC Usages at the County Level
- must set up pay components to store the results of County Tax and County Earnings by County PC Usages
All other values except 99
(Default to Rule 01)
- same as 01 - Normal Method
99 - Do Not Calculate - If uloc_county_tax_method = '99' then
County Tax will not be calculated
City Tax Method Lexicon X_ULOC_CITY_TAX_METHOD
01 - Normal Method
(Default Method)
- the State Level Taxable Earnings, 125/401K exemptions are used at the Local Level
- no need to set up pay components for Pre-Earnings PC Usages at the City Level
- must set up pay components to store the results of City Tax and City Earnings by City PC Usages
All other values except 99
(Default to Rule 01)
- same as 01 - Normal Method
99 - Do Not Calculate - If uloc_city_tax_method = '99' then
City Tax will not be calculated