This page (revision-26) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

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At line 1 removed 2 lines
[{TableOfContents }]
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|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006
At line 43 removed 336 lines
| | |16| Government Code |0008|
| | |50| Middle Name| 0009|
| | |4| Salutation |0010|
| | |4| Rank| 0011|
| | |50| Address 1| 0012|
| | |50| Address 2| 0013|
| | |50| Locality| 0014|
| | |16| Zip/Postal| 0015|
| | |50| Mail Address 1| 0016|
| | |50| Mail Address 2| 0017|
| | |50| Mail Locality| 0018|
| | |16| Mail Zip/Postal| 0019|
| | |30| Mail State/Province| 0020|
| | |30| State/Province| 0021|
| | |30| Country| 0022|
| | |30| Home Tax Jurisdiction| 0023|
| | |16| School District| 0024|
| | |16| Home GEO Code| 0025|
| | |2| Employment Type| 0026|
| | |30| Employment Type Lex| 0027|
| | |11| Original Hire Date| 0028|
| | |11| Termination Date| 0029|
| | |16| Job Code |0030|
| | |50| Job Title| 0031|
| | |16| Position Code|0032|
| | |50| Position Title|0033|
| | |50| Department Name |0034|
| | |16| Work Locn Code| 0035|
| | |50| Work Locn Desc| 0036|
| | |16| Pay Dest Locn Code| 0037|
| | |30 |Pay Dest Locn Desc| 0038|
| | |30| Work Tax Jurisdiction| 0039|
| | |16| Salary Range Code| 0040|
| | |50| Salary Range Desc| 0041|
| | |16| Unit Code| 0042|
| | |50| Unit Description| 0043|
| | |16| Group Code| 0044|
| | |50| Group Description| 0045|
|50| 1041| 16| Work Rule Code| 0046|
|51| 1057| 16| Employment Status\\Code|0047|
|52| 1073| 30| Employment Status\\Desc|0048|
|53| 1103| 16| Work GEO Code| 0049|
|54| 1119| 50| Entity Name| 0051|
|55| 1149| 11| Seniority Date| 0054|
|56| 1160| 10| Hours per Day| 0055|
|57| 1170| 10| Hours per Week| 0056|
|58| 1180| 50| First Name| 0005|
|59| 1210| 50| Last Name| 0004|
|60| 1240| 20| Prime Wage |0057|
|61| 1260| 2| Prime Wage Basis| 0058|
|62| 1262| 30| Prime Wage Basis Lex| 0159|
|63| 1278| 11| Period Begin Date| 0162|
|64| 1289| 11| Period End Date| 0163|
|65| 1300| 20| Gross Pay| 0062|
|66| 1320| 20| Total Deductions |0063|
|67| 1340| 20| Net Pay| 0064|
!Record Type 30 – US Pay Rules
There will be ONLY one record for each disbursement. Each pay has its pay rules determined by the Work Tax Jurisdiction in the pay header. Although there may be more than one pay for a given disbursement (Consolidation), only the first pay is used for ‘categorizing’ the disbursement.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| | ‘30’
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department| 0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name |0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date| 0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number |0160|
| | |4 |Number of Exemptions –\\Federal|0076|
| | |4| Number of Exemptions –\\State|0077|
| | |4| Number of Exemptions 2\\–State|0078|
| | |4| Number of Exemptions\\Local|0079|
| | |2| Federal Filing Status| 0080|
| | |30| Federal Filing Status Lex| 0081|
| | |2| State Filing Status |0082|
| | |30| State Filing Status Lex |0083|
| | |2| Local Filing Status |0084|
| | |30| Local Filing Status Lex |0085|
| | |15| Additional Tax Federal |0086|
!Record Type 40,50,60, and 70 – Pay Component Summaries
These record types are all identical in format and contain only the total for each pay component from the ‘Pay Stub’ table. Each contains the pay components as defined by the ‘Pay Stub Elements’ for earnings, deductions, benefits, and other.
The pay stub elements are defined at the ‘Payroll’ level.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| |40,50,60, or 70
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code |0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination |0001|
|4 |50 |16 |Department |0002|
|5 |66| 60| Full Name |0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code |0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8 |146 |11 |Pay Issue Date |0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits |0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | |4| PC Code| 0087|
| | |30| PC Abbreviation| 0088|
| | |50| PC Description| 0089|
| | |20| Current Amount| 0090|
| | |20| YTD Amount| 0091
!Record Type 41 – Earnings Rate Detail
This record type contains current Disbursement Pay Stub and Pay Stub Details.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| | 41
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department| 0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name| 0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date |0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | |4| PC Code| 0087|
| | |30 |PC Abbreviation |0088|
| | |50| PC Description| 0089|
| | |20| Rate*| 0092| Pay Stub Details
| | |2| Rate Basis *| 0093| Pay Stub Details
| | |30| Rate Basis Lex *| 0094| Pay Stub Details
| | |20| Associated Time *| 0095| Pay Stub Details
| | |2| Time Basis *| 0096| Pay Stub Details
| | |30| Time Basis Lex *| 0097| Pay Stub Details
| | |20| Detail Amount *| 0098| Pay Stub Details
| | |20| Current Amount **| 0090 |Pay Stub
| | |20| YTD Amount **| 0091| Pay Stub
;:* These columns will be populated in all records for the pay component.
;:** These columns are populated into all records for a pay component even though they are totals for the pay component. Clients should actually print this ONLY once for each pay component.
!Record Type 45,55,65, and 75 – Pay Line Details
These record types are all identical in format, and contain ‘Pay Line Detail’ information. Pay Line Details are selected defined by the ‘Pay Stub Elements’ for earnings, deductions, benefits, and other.
These records contain all the intricate detail for each pay component in the respective element.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code | |45, 55, 65, or 75
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4 |50 |16| Department| 0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name |0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code |0006|
|7| 142| 4 |Pay Number |0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date| 0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks |0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits |0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number |0160|
| | |4 |Pay Component |0087|
| | |30| PC Abbreviation| 0088|
| | |50| PC Description |0089|
| | |2| PC Detail Type| 0099| Pay Line Detail
| | |30| PC Detail Type Lex |0100| Pay Line Detail
| | |2| PC Action| 0101| Pay Line Detail
| | |30| PC Action Lex| 0102| Pay Line Detail
| | |2| PC Calc Method| 0103| Pay Line Detail
| | |30| PC Calc Method Lex| 0104| Pay Line Detail
| | |50| PC Detail Description| 0105| Pay Line Detail
| | |2| PC Rate Source| 0106| Pay Line Detail
| | |30| PC Rate Source Lex| 0107| Pay Line Detail
| | |20| Wage Rate| 0108| Pay Line Detail
| | |2| Wage Rate Basis| 0109| Pay Line Detail
| | |30| Wage Rate Basis Lex| 0110| Pay Line
| | |20| Amount| 0111| Pay Line Detail
| | |2| Pay Point Type| 0112| Pay Line
| | |30| Pay Point Type Lex| 0113| Pay Line
| | |2| Pay Point Task| 0114| Pay Line
| | |30| Pay Point Task Lex| 0115| Pay Line
| | |4| Pay Point Sequence| 0116| Pay Line
| | |11| Start Date| 0117| Pay Line
| | |11| End Date| 0118| Pay Line
| | |16| Assignment Code| 0119| Pay Line
| | |50| Assignment Title| 0120| Pay Line
| | |16| Position Code| 0121| Pay Line
| | |50| Position Title| 0122| Pay Line
| | |16| Job Code| 0123| Pay Line
| | |50| Job Title| 0124| Pay Line
| | |16| Department Code| 0125| Pay Line
| | |50| Department Name| 0126| Pay Line
| | |16| Leave Policy Code| 0127| Pay Line
| | |16| User Calc Code| 0128| Pay Line
| | |16| Plan Code |0129| Pay Line
| | |30| Work Tax Jurisdiction| 0130| Pay Line
| | |16| Work GEO Code| 0131 |Pay Line
!Record Type 80 – Arrears (rarely used)
This record contains all arrears remaining in the Sundry table at the time the interface file is created.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| | ‘80’
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department |0002|
|5| 66| 60 |Full Name| 0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date| 0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | |4| Pay Component| 0087|
| | |30| PC Abbreviation| 0088|
| | |50| PC Description| 0089|
| | |20| Arrears Amount| 0132|
| | |50| Reference Information| 0133| Originating Pay - Back\\reference
!Record Type 90 - Statistics (occasionally used)
This record type contains the balance of all statistical pay components. The balance is taken at the time the interface file is created.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code | |‘90’
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code |0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department| 0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name| 0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number |0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date| 0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number |0160|
| | |16| Stat Code| 0134|
| | |30| Stat Abbreviation| 0135|
| | |50| Stat Description |0136|
| | |4| Stat Type| 0137|
| | |30| Stat Type Lex| 0138|
| | |2| Stat Action| 0139|
| | |30| Stat Action Lex| 0140|
| | |20| Stat Amount| 0142|
!Record Type 100 - Accruals
This record type contains the accrual balances of all leave types. Although a disbursement can be for many pays, these balances are representative of the last pay processed, thereby providing the most accurate balances.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code | |‘100’
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination |0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department |0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name| 0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4 |Pay Number| 0051|
|8 |146| 11| Pay Issue Date| 0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | |11| Evaluation Date| 0143|
| | |16| Leave Type Code| 0144|
| | |50| Leave Type Description| 0145|
| | |2| Leave Policy Basis| 0146|
| | |30| Leave Policy Basis Lex| 0147|
| | |20| Prior Year Time Adj| 0148|
| | |20| Prior Year Amt Adj| 0149|
| | |20| Curr Year Time\\Entitlement|0150|
| | |20| Curr Year Amount\\Earned|0151|
| | |20| Curr Year Time Taken| 0152|
| | |20| Curr Time Owing| 0153|
| | |20| Curr amount Owing| 0154|
| | |20| Termination Time Owing| 0155|
| | |20| Termination Amount\\Owing|0156|
| | |20| Prior Year Time Owing| 0157|
!Record Type 110 – Disbursement Messages (optional)
This record type contains messages issued by ‘Disbursement’ UserCalcs.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| | 110
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code |0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department| 0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name |0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date |0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | |200| Message| 0158|
See the Disbursement Messages section in the [HOW TO SET UP FOR DISBURSEMENTS] page to see how to create the message.
!Record Type 120 – User Fields (optional)
Any number of user fields can be selected here. A separate entry in the ‘Format Definition’ is required for each user field to be included.
Presently, user fields attached to the tables listed below are available to this function. To place a user field into the extract file, you must place a field into record type ‘120’ using variable ‘0161 User Field Value’.
As in the example below, place the Table Name and User Field Code (separated by a comma) in the ‘Derivation Expression’.
||Field ||Start\\Position||Max\\Length|| Field Name||INF\\Variable\\Number||Notes
|1| 1| 2| Record Type Code| | 120
|2| 3| 16| Entity Code| 0060|
|3| 20| 30| Pay Destination| 0001|
|4| 50| 16| Department |0002|
|5| 66| 60| Full Name| 0003|
|6| 126| 16| Person Code| 0006|
|7| 142| 4| Pay Number| 0051|
|8| 146| 11| Pay Issue Date |0007|
|9| 157| 4| Number of Checks| 0052|
|10| 161| 4| Number of Deposits| 0053|
|11| 165| 174| Check Number| 0160|
| | | |Value| 0161| p2k_hr_employments,\\license number
!Tables Available for User Field Extraction:
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