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The RPT4A report (T4A Forms) will print a list of of T4A forms.
!RPT4A Report Parameters
|Print T4A Copy|Mandatory. Defines if the Employee or Employer copy of the T4A should be printed.
|Exception Level|Defines the level of detail to be printed on the exception report. Default is Exceptions Only. Optional
|Duplicate/Amended|Defines if the report will be run for duplicate or amended copies. Optional
|Test Form Set-up|Allows users to test their printer with a From Setup prior to printing the actual T4A forms. Default is No. Optional
|Show T4A Form|Allows users the option to print T4As with the form setup lines. When set to YES, RPT4A will print the T4A Form image downloaded from the CRA website on the background for user to view the T4 information. When running RPT4A for the actual T4A Form printing, please __DO NOT__ set this field to Yes.\\ \\The downloaded T4A Form is for viewing and testing purpose only and should not be used to submit to the government or distribute to the employees. Users must print the T4A on the pre-printed forms because the pre-printed forms contain the correct wording printed on the back of the form.
|Trial Print Only|When set to YES, the report will be printed in trial form, for verification purposes only. The [IPGH] ‘Print Stage’ field will not be updated.
|Include Back Information|When set to YES, the report will print the information from the back of the T4A.
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__RPT4A Report Parameters (*For Oracle Reports Only)__
|Directory Name(*)|Defines the directory name where the file will be saved. Must be the same as the RPGRC run. Optional
|XML File Name(*)|Defines the xml file name generated by RPGRC with the _HL.xml extension, such as W2_mex.xml Optional
|Slips Per Segment|Defines how many forms to print before breaking and totaling. Optional
|Adjust Top Margin(*)|Defines the adjustment spacing for the top margin. Optional
|Between Form(*)|Defines the adjustment spacing for the space between T4A forms printed on the same page. Optional
|Show Frame(*)|Allows users to print T4As with the form set up lines. When set to YES, RPT4A will print the T4A Form image downloaded from the CRA website on the background for user to view the T4 information. When running RPT4A for the actual T4A Form printing, please __DO NOT__ set this field to Yes.\\ \\The downloaded T4A Form is for viewing and testing purpose only and should not be used to submit to the government or distribute to the employees. Users must print the T4A on the pre-printed forms because the pre-printed forms contain the correct wording printed on the back of the form. Optional
\\ \\
__RPT4 Report Filters__
|GVT Run (WW only)|Mandatory when running Windward Report only. Defines the GVT Run Number to extract the data from and produce the T4As.
|Person|Person Code of the employee being tested with. Optional
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