This page (revision-6) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 1 KB JMyers to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 927 bytes JMyers to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 715 bytes JMyers to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 654 bytes JMyers to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 577 bytes JMyers to last

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!!!Alias: [IVEST]
[{TableOfContents }]
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The INF_CV_STATISTICS table is used to import statistic components and amounts for employees into the software data structures.
The Statistic Interface File screen is used to import statistic components and amounts for employees into the software data structures.
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Tables loaded: [P2K_HR_STATISTICS]
!!Table Columns
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Mand.||Notes
Statistic Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_STATISTICS] table.
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;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the statistic record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field identifies the entity associated with the statistic.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:This field identifies the person associated with the statistic.
;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:This field identifies the employment type associated with the statistic.
;[Date of Hire|HIRE_DATE]:The hire date of the person is displayed in this field.
;[Statistic|STAT_CODE]:This field displays a user-defined code to uniquely identify the statistic within the system.
;[Amount $|AMOUNT]:This field displays a numeric value for the statistic.
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[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
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