This page (revision-6) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JEscott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 3 KB JEscott to previous
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 3 KB JEscott to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 3 KB JMyers to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB JMyers to last

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;[List of Values|]:This field will provide the name of the list of values being defined.
;[Title|]:This field provides the title of the LOV which will appear at the top of the LOV box.
;[Usage|]: This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
;[Where Clause|]: The Where Clause corresponds to an SQL statement and dictates how the data in the LOV can be filtered.
;[List of Values|LOV_CODE]:This field will provide the name of the list of values being defined.
;[Title|LOV_TITLE]:This field provides the title of the LOV which will appear at the top of the LOV box.
;[Usage|LOV_USAGE]: This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
;[Where Clause|WHERE_CLAUSE_CODE]: The Where Clause corresponds to an SQL statement and dictates how the data in the LOV can be filtered.
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;[To Replace|]:
;[LOV Title (FRE)|]: If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the LOV. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)
;[Purpose|]: This field provides a quick description of the data source. Non-updatable
;[Exclude from CACHE|]:
;[#|]:The sequence number indicates the order in which the columns in the LOV box will appear.
;[Column|]: Use this field to indicate the information to go into the columns. You will make your choice from the selection provided in the drop down menu.
;[To Replace|MLOV_ID_REPLACE]: This field may be used to indicate an LOV that will be replaced by the LOV in focus. Replacement LOVs are used to customize the application to meet a client's needs.
;[LOV Title (FRE)|LOV_TITLE_TRANSLATE]: If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the LOV. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)
;[Purpose|PURPOSE]: This field provides a quick description of the data source. Non-updatable
;[Exclude from CACHE|EXCLUDE_FROM_CACHE]:This toggle is used to exclude the LOV from the system's cache. This may be done so for performance reasons.
;[#|COLUMN_NUMBER]:The sequence number indicates the order in which the columns in the LOV box will appear.
;[Column|COLUMN_NAME_LK]: Use this field to indicate the information to go into the columns. You will make your choice from the selection provided in the drop down menu.
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;[Display As|]:This field allows you to give a title to the column in the LOV box.
;[Width|]:This field indicates the width of the column in the LOV box.
;[Sort Order|]:
;[Usage|]:This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
;[Column Title (FRE)|]: If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the column. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)
;:Whenever you update an LOV, the information needs to be loaded into the system. If you do not load the information, the LOV will not reflect the changes until the system has been restarted.
;[Physical Column Name|]:
;[Clear LOV|]: This field clears the old information provided in the LOV. The new information will not be reloaded until the first time a user accesses the LOV. This may cause a time delay for that user.
;[Load LOV|]:This field will loads new information into the LOV. This means that the first user who accesses the new LOV will not experience a time delay.
;[Display As|COLUMN_TITLE]:This field allows you to give a title to the column in the LOV box.
;[Width|COLUMN_WIDTH]:This field indicates the width of the column in the LOV box.
;[Sort Order|SORT_DIRECTION]: This field will indicate the direction the data within the LOV will be sorted.
;[Usage|COLUMN_USAGE]:This field will indicate if the LOV is Pre-loaded (system provided), User Defined or Obsolete.
;[Column Title (FRE)|COLUMN_TITLE_TRANSLATE]: If the form is to be displayed in a second language, this field allows you to provide an alternate language name for the column. (On the example screen, the second language is identified as French, ‘Prompt (FRE)’.)
%%information Whenever you update an LOV, the information needs to be loaded into the system. If you do not load the information, the LOV will not reflect the changes until the system has been restarted.%%
;[Physical Column Name|COLUMN_NAME]:This field will indicate the true name of the column stored in the database.
;[Clear LOV|ACT_CLEAR_LOV]: This field clears the old information provided in the LOV. The new information will not be reloaded until the first time a user accesses the LOV. This may cause a time delay for that user.
;[Load LOV|ACT_LOAD_LOV]:This field will loads new information into the LOV. This means that the first user who accesses the new LOV will not experience a time delay.
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[{InsertPage page='Internal.IMLOV' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]