This page (revision-10) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by rforbes

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by jmyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
10 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB rforbes to previous
9 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
8 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
7 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
6 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
5 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
4 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jmyers to last

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|1. DEBUG = true|#DEBUG = true/false\\ \\Toggle for debugging
|DEBUG = true|#DEBUG = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for debugging
At line 57 changed 21 lines
|1. TITLE = HL (Devel) Time Clock|#TITLE = High Line Time Clock \\ \\Main screen title
|2. WELCOME_MESSAGE = Welcome|#WELCOME_MESSAGE\\ \\Idol page Welcome message.\\Only referenced by a G2 application.
|3. PASSCODE = 9|#PASSCODE = <passcode>\\ \\Clock administrator passcode
|4. ALLOW_KEYING = false|#ALLOW_KEYING = true/false\\ \\Toggle for allowing keying of employee/badge numbers
-Employee Badge or Person codes which are allowed to be keyed when ALLOW_KEYING = false. (Spaces not supported.)
|6. USE_BADGE = true|#USE_BADGE = true/false\\ \\Toggle for use of badge numbers (true= badge in ITCC, false=person_code)
- minimum length of badge/employee number
- maximum length of badge/employee number
|9. ENTER_JOB = true|#ENTER_JOB = true/false\\ \\Toggle for allowing a list of assignment Authorized jobs for selection during IN punches.
|10. ENTER_COST_CENTER = false|#ENTER_COST_CENTER = true/false\\ \\Toggle for entering cost center information
- comma delimited list of valid cost centers. (Spaces not supported.)
|12. VALIDATE_PUNCHES = false|#VALIDATE_PUNCHES = true/false\\ \\Toggle for validating punches on server ( validation will occur regardless if Keyed.)
|13. STORE_BIO = false|#STORE_BIO = true/false\\ \\Toggle for storing biometric templates on server.
|14. QUEUE_FULL = Clock Out of Order\\ \\Please advise your manager|#QUEUE_FULL|An "Out of Order" message displayed once the punch queue is full (G1 20 Characters Max.)
|15. QUEUE_FULL2 = Advise your manager|#QUEUE_FULL2\\ \\Used in G1 applications for 2nd line text messages ( G1 20 Characters Max.)
|16. QUEUE_LIMIT = 200|#QUEUE_LIMIT \\ \\Used to define the MAXIMUM number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue IF less than the maximum physical limit.
|17. THAW_LIMIT = 0|#THAW_LIMIT\\ \\Used to define the number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue and automatically thaw the clock to accept punches.
| TITLE = HL (Devel) Time Clock|#TITLE = High Line Time Clock \\ \\Main screen title
|WELCOME_MESSAGE = Welcome|#WELCOME_MESSAGE\\ \\Idol page Welcome message\\Only referenced by a G2 application
|PASSCODE = 9|#PASSCODE = <passcode>\\ \\Clock administrator passcode
|ALLOW_KEYING = false|#ALLOW_KEYING = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for allowing keying of employee/badge numbers
|VALID_KEYED_VALUES = 56,5000|#VALID_KEYED_VALUES =\\ \\Employee Badge or Person codes which are allowed to be keyed when ALLOW_KEYING = false (Spaces not supported)
|USE_BADGE = true|#USE_BADGE = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for use of badge numbers (true= badge in ITCC, false=person_code)
|MIN_BADGE_LEN = 2|#MIN_BADGE_LEN = 4\\ \\Minimum length of badge/employee number
|MAX_BADGE_LEN = 6|#MAX_BADGE_LEN = 10\\ \\Maximum length of badge/employee number
|ENTER_JOB = true|#ENTER_JOB = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for allowing a list of assignment Authorized jobs for selection during IN punches
|ENTER_COST_CENTER = false|#ENTER_COST_CENTER = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for entering cost center information
|VALID_COST_CENTERS = 1234,5678|#VALID_COST_CENTERS = \\ \\Comma delimited list of valid cost centers (Spaces not supported)
|VALIDATE_PUNCHES = false|#VALIDATE_PUNCHES = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for validating punches on server (validation will occur regardless if keyed)
|STORE_BIO = false|#STORE_BIO = true~|false\\ \\Toggle for storing biometric templates on server
|QUEUE_FULL = Clock Out of Order\\ \\Please advise your manager|#QUEUE_FULL~|An "Out of Order" message displayed once the punch queue is full (G1 20 Characters Max.)
|QUEUE_FULL2 = Advise your manager|#QUEUE_FULL2\\ \\Used in G1 applications for 2nd line text messages (G1 20 Characters Max.)
|QUEUE_LIMIT = 200|#QUEUE_LIMIT \\ \\Used to define the MAXIMUM number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue IF less than the maximum physical limit
|THAW_LIMIT = 0|#THAW_LIMIT\\ \\Used to define the number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue and automatically thaw the clock to accept punches
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Configuration Attributes (Terminal Configuration)
!!Configuration Attributes (Terminal Configuration)
|BIO_SENSITIVITY = 4|#BIO_SENSITIVITY = 0 to 7\\ \\Biometric sensitivity level
|BIO_QUALITY = 1|#BIO_QUALITY = 0 to 2\\ \\Biometric quality level
|MIFARE_POLL_INTERVAL = 10|#MIFARE_POLL_INTERVAL\\ \\Mifare Card reading interval in ms
|MSG_TIME = 3000|#MSG_TIME = 3000~|<milliseconds>\\ \\Milliseconds to wait for display messages
|DELAY_TIME = 5000|#DELAY_TIME = 5000~|<milliseconds>\\ \\Milliseconds to delay screens
|IDLE_TIMEOUT 5000|#IDLE_TIMEOUT 5000~|<milliseconds>\\ \\Milliseconds between idle screen refreshes
|QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000|#QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000~|<milliseconds> \\ \\Time between connections to the server
|PING_SLEEP_TIME = 0|#PING_SLEEP_TIME = 30000~|<milliseconds> \\ \\Time between pings to the server storing device information
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Attribute Description
- biometric sensitivity level
!!Configuration Attributes (Web Configuration)
|HOST_URL =|#HOST_URL = http://<host>:<port>/<webapp>/<process>\\ \\Server connection string\\ \\#HOST_URL =|Example
|WB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000|#WB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000~|<milliseconds> - retry frequency for invalid POST's
At line 85 changed 66 lines
#BIO_QUALITY = 0 to 2
- biometric quality level
- Mifare Card reading interval in ms.
4. MSG_TIME = 3000
#MSG_TIME = 3000 | <milliseconds>
- milliseconds to wait for display messages
5. DELAY_TIME = 5000
#DELAY_TIME = 5000 | <milliseconds>
- milliseconds to delay screens
#IDLE_TIMEOUT 5000 | <milliseconds>
- milliseconds between idle screen refreshes
7. QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000 #QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000 | <milliseconds>
- time between connections to the server
- data transfer method
#PING_SLEEP_TIME = 30000 | <milliseconds>
- time between pings to the server storing device information.
Configuration Attributes (Web Configuration)
Attribute Description
1. HOST_URL = #HOST_URL = http://<host>:<port>/<webapp>/<process>
- server connection string
- example
#WB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000 | <milliseconds> - retry frequency for invalid POST's
Configuration Attributes (Database Configuration – NOT USED – INFORMATION ONLY)
Attribute Description
1. DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
#DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
- database driver class
2. DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@NSI:1521:NSI
#DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>
- database URL
- database user name
#DATABASE_PSWD = <password>
- database password
#DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000 | <milliseconds>
- retry frequency for invalid connection attempts
!!Configuration Attributes (Database Configuration – NOT USED – INFORMATION ONLY)
|DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver|#DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver\\ \\Database driver class
|DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@NSI:1521:NSI|#DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid> \\ \\Database URL
|DATABASE_USER = P2K|#DATABASE_USER = <user>\\ \\Database user name
|DATABASE_PSWD = p2k|#DATABASE_PSWD = <password>\\ \\Database password
|DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000|#DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000~|<milliseconds> \\ \\Retry frequency for invalid connection attempts
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Other important files on the clock:
File Location on clock.
1. errors.txt \ramdisk\errors.txt
The location of the errors file on the clock.
This is a log used for troubleshooting enrollment, and clock punch issues.
You can download (GET) this file using the TFTP app.
2. Genus \config\g2_4_3_04 \flashdisk\Genus
The location of the Genus files on the clock.
The version path will change depending on the release.
Accessed via TFTP.
3. Classes \config\G2-Classes-1.0.91.jar \flashdisk\Classes.jar
The location of the latest classes on the clock.
Accessed via TFTP.
!!Other important files on the clock:
||File||Location on Clock
|errors.txt|\ramdisk\errors.txt\\ \\The location of the errors file on the clock\\ \\This is a log used for troubleshooting enrollment, and clock punch issues\\ \\You can download (GET) this file using the TFTP app
|Genus|\config\g2_4_3_04 \flashdisk\Genus\\ \\The location of the Genus files on the clock\\ \\The version path will change depending on the release\\ \\Accessed via TFTP
|Classes|\config\G2-Classes-1.0.91.jar \flashdisk\Classes.jar\\ \\The location of the latest classes on the clock\\ \\Accessed via TFTP
|terminal.conf|\ramdisk\terminal.conf\\ \\Parameters and options will be maintained in a central configuration file that can be transferred to the terminals at any time\\ \\This configuration information will initially be held in permanent memory on the terminal\\ \\This information is loaded into memory only when the time clock is booted (application starts up)\\ \\Accessed via TFTP
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4. terminal.conf \ramdisk\terminal.conf
Parameters and options will be maintained in a central configuration file that can be transferred to the terminals at any time.
This configuration information will initially be held in permanent memory on the terminal. This information is loaded into memory only when the time clock is booted (application starts up).
Accessed via TFTP.