This page (revision-39) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
39 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous
38 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
37 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
36 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
35 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
34 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
33 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB kparrott to previous | to last
32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB jmyers to previous | to last FORM TOOLBAR ==> FORM TOOLBAR(System_Preference)
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB RForbes to previous | to last
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB JMyers to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB RForbes to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 5 KB JMyers to previous | to last FORM TOOLBAR ==> FORM TOOLBAR ICONS
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB JMyers to previous | to last FORM TOOLBAR ==> FORM TOOLBAR ICONS
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB RForbes to previous | to last Form Tool ==> FORM TOOLBAR
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB RForbes to previous | to last Form Toolbar ==> Form Tool
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB RForbes to previous | to last

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[FORM TOOLBAR|FORM TOOLBAR(System_Preference)] is a site preference that can be defined in [IMST] to indicate what appears on the toolbar in the professional edition. This preference identified a menu that is defined in [IMMU].
%%information Discussion on how to copy a form tool bar can be found on the [Form Toobar page|FORM TOOLBAR|FORM TOOLBAR(System_Preference)].%%
%%information The application server must be restarted for changes to the toolbar to take effect.
The new toolbar will be universal for ALL users. In Personality it is either the default toolbar or the copied one. You cannot choose a different toolbar for different users.%%
FORM TOOLBAR is a site preference that can be defined in [IMST] to indicate what appears on the toolbar in the professional edition. This preference identified a menu that is defined in [IMMU]. The default is "FORM TOOLBAR".
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[{Image src='FormToolbar01.JPG' width='600' align='center'}]
[{Image src='FormToolbar_01.JPG' width='600' align='center'}]
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The Form Toolbar provides icons to help you view and manage your information. Below is a description of each of the supported form actions. Many of the actions have [quick keys|ACCELERATOR KEYS] associated with them.
The Form Toolbar provides icons to help you view and manage your information. Below is a description of each of the supported form actions. Many of the actions have [quick keys] associated with them.
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;[SaveIcon.JPG] Save Changes (Ctrl+S):The Save action makes the changes you have entered permanent in the database. This icon becomes enabled as soon as you make a change. When the Save is done it becomes disabled. Once you have made changes, you will not be able to leave a form until you either save or revert.
;[UndoIcon.JPG] Undo/Revert Changes (Ctrl+Z):The Undo/Revert action undoes all of the changes you have made and restores the original information. This icon becomes enabled as soon as you make a change. Once you have made changes, you will not be able to leave a form until you either save or revert.
;[AddIcon.JPG] Add a Record (F6):The Add action allows you to create new records. You must have “create” access rights for the form block to use this action.
;[DeleteIcon.JPG] Delete A Record (Shift+F6):The Delete action allows you to remove an existing record. You must have “delete” access rights for the from block to use this action.
;[CopyIcon.JPG] Deep Copy Record (F5):The Deep Copy Record action lets you copy a record including all of its associated information. You must have “create” access rights for the from block to use this action. Below is a sample dialog you will have to complete to do the copy.
;[Form Toolbar/SaveIcon.JPG] Save Changes (Ctrl+S):The Save action makes the changes you have entered permanent in the database. This icon becomes enabled as soon as you make a change. When the Save is done it becomes disabled. Once you have made changes, you will not be able to leave a form until you either save or revert.
;[Form Toolbar/UndoIcon.JPG] Undo/Revert Changes (Ctrl+Z):The Undo/Revert action undoes all of the changes you have made and restores the original information. This icon becomes enabled as soon as you make a change. Once you have made changes, you will not be able to leave a form until you either save or revert.
;[Form Toolbar/AddIcon.JPG] Add a Record (F6):The Add action allows you to create new records. You must have “create” access rights for the form block to use this action.
;[Form Toolbar/DeleteIcon.JPG] Delete A Record (Shift+F6):The Delete action allows you to remove an existing record. You must have “delete” access rights for the from block to use this action.
;[Form Toolbar/CopyIcon.JPG] Deep Copy Record (F5):The Deep Copy Record action lets you copy a record including all of its associated information. You must have “create” access rights for the from block to use this action. Below is a sample dialog you will have to complete to do the copy.
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; Pin / Unpin A Record (Ctrl+Shift+F):[PinOnIcon.JPG]The Pin action keeps your form window focused on the record you have selected regardless of what you are working on in other form windows. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;:[PinOffIcon.JPG]The Unpin action keeps your form in context with the work you are doing in other windows. For instance, if you switch to another employee elsewhere, this window will automatically change to that employee. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;Watch / Stop Watching Form (Ctrl+Shift+R):[FORM TOOLBAR ICONS/WatchOnIcon.JPG]The Watch action continually checks for updates made by others or done in other windows to the information displayed in your form window. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;:[WatchOffIcon.JPG]The Stop Watching action disregards all other changes to the information in your form window, for display purposes only. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;[UserfieldsIcon.JPG] Show User Fields (Ctrl+U):The [User Fields|USER DEFINED FIELD] action pops up a window that contains all of the user fields associated with the current form window block. The values of the user fields may be maintained on this popup window. User Fields may also be added to the form itself using [IMFD].
; Pin / Unpin A Record (Ctrl+Shift+F):[Form Toolbar/PinOnIcon.JPG]The Pin action keeps your form window focused on the record you have selected regardless of what you are working on in other form windows. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;:[Form Toolbar/PinOffIcon.JPG]The Unpin action keeps your form in context with the work you are doing in other windows. For instance, if you switch to another employee elsewhere, this window will automatically change to that employee. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;Watch / Stop Watching Form (Ctrl+Shift+R):[Form Toolbar/WatchOnIcon.JPG]]The Watch action continually checks for updates made by others or done in other windows to the information displayed in your form window. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;:[Form Toolbar/WatchOffIcon.JPG]]The Stop Watching action disregards all other changes to the information in your form window, for display purposes only. The icon is a toggle that switches between states.
;[Form Toolbar/UserfieldsIcon.JPG] Show User Fields (Ctrl+U):The [User Fields|User Defined Field] action pops up a window that contains all of the user fields associated with the current form window block. The values of the user fields may be maintained on this popup window. User Fields may also be added to the form itself using [IMFD].
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;[UsernotesIcon.JPG] Show User Notes (Ctrl+N):The [User Notes|MMUN] action pops up a window that contains all user notes associated with the current form window block. The content of the user notes may be maintained on this popup window. Notes can also be added or deleted.
;[Form Toolbar/UsernotesIcon.JPG] Show User Notes (Ctrl+N):The [User Notes|MMUN] action pops up a window that contains all user notes associated with the current form window block. The content of the user notes may be maintained on this popup window. Notes can also be added or deleted.
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;[AuditdetailsIcon.JPG] Show Audit Details (F12):The Audit action shows [internal audit information|MMCRA] related to all fields on the current record.
;[Form Toolbar/AuditdetailsIcon.JPG] Show Audit Details (F12):The Audit action shows [internal audit information|MMCRA] related to all fields on the current record.
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;[ChangehistoryIcon.jpg] Show Change History (F10):The Change History action shows the [detailed change logs|MMTCL] that are related to the current record.
;[Form Toolbar/ChangehistoryIcon.jpg] Show Change History (F10):The Change History action shows the [detailed change logs|MMTCL] that are related to the current record.
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;[QueryIcon.JPG] Show Query Form (F7):The [Query action|MMQRY] allows you to search for information using any fields on your current form with simple comparison operators. You are presented with a list of records that you can pick from like the Find List.
;[Form Toolbar/QueryIcon.JPG] Show Query Form (F7):The [Query action|MMQRY] allows you to search for information using any fields on your current form with simple comparison operators. You are presented with a list of records that you can pick from like the Find List.
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;[UsagesIcon.JPG] Show Usages (Ctrl+Shift+U):The Usages action shows where this information is used [elsewhere|MMFKU] in the system.
;[Form Toolbar/UsagesIcon.JPG] Show Usages (Ctrl+Shift+U):The Usages action shows where this information is used [elsewhere|MMFKU] in the system.
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;Show EJB Activity (Shift+F9):[EJBonIcon.JPG]The EJB Activity monitor shows you when there is traffic between your PC and the server.
;:[EJBoffIcon.JPG]When there is no activity, the line is flat.
![Notes|Edit:Internal.FORM TOOLBAR ICONS]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.FORM TOOLBAR ICONS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]
;Show EJB Activity (Shift+F9):[Form Toolbar/EJBonIcon.JPG]The EJB Activity monitor shows you when there is traffic between your PC and the server.
;:[Form Toolbar/EJBoffIcon.JPG]When there is no activity, the line is flat.