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[{TableOfContents }]
!!!Identify Station Post Requirements (DTSR)
!!Event Scheduling Overview
!Event Sites
Event Sites are part of Event Scheduling. [Event Sites|EVENT_SITE] can be defined using the [ITES] screen\\
*An Event Site represents a set of Station Post Requirements for a period of time in a given Work Division [ITWD], Work Area [ITWA] or Work Station [ITWS]
*Event Scheduling should be used when
**There is not a repeating Schedule in the long run
**Station Post Requirements are constantly changing for a given schedule
*Event Site Status can be used to freeze the Station Post Requirements. A frozen Event Site will not allow
**Station Post Requirements to be changed
**Scheduled Shifts Worker Assignments to be changed
!!Station Post Requirements
*Record Station Post Requirement for a given Station Post in a Shift on a specific Date
*For each Station Post Requirement a Scheduled Shift will be created. Decreasing the Station Post Requirement will cause Scheduled Shifts to be removed unless they have all been filled with Workers
*Event Scheduling Work Stations do not need Work Teams to be defined
*Event Scheduling Station Posts should not need to have Team Posts associated to them
*Cannot be created for dates outside of the Event Site Start/End Dates
*Has derived fields that let the user know the number of fillled Scheduled Shifts as well as the number of Vacant Scheduled Shifts
!!DTSR Screen - Identify Station Post Requirements
*Has Event Sites as its find
*Is a calendar driven screen meaning that the screen is date driven
*Has an action to set the Actual Shift End Time
*When focused on a Station requirement there are two tabs available
**Qualified Workers Tab
***By default workers with restrictions will not be visible – can be toggled
***When focused on a work their previous/next 4 days are displayed
***Can be quickly schedule using the Schedule button
**Compliments Tab
***Displays a list of Scheduled Shifts for the Station Requirement
***Each Scheduled Shift display default and actual shift end times, the Worker assigned and if the Shift has Exceptions associated to it
The definition data for the Identify Station Post Requirements screen is stored in the following tables: [P2K_TS_EVENT_SITES], [P2K_TS_STATION_REQUIREMENTS], [P2K_TS_SCHEDULED_SHIFTS], [P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS]
Dynamic Calendars are used in the [DTSH] form to allow companies to specify the start of the work week. \\In the [Preference tab of IMST|IMST#PreferencesTab], clients must add [1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK] preference with a value of 1 thru 7 where 1 represents Sunday and 7 represents Saturday. \\The clock entry information below the calendar is derived based on the date in focus on the calendar.
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: The shift code that is associated with the Station Post Requirement is entered here
;[Shift Letter|SHIFT_LETTER]: The shift letter is an optional code that can be used as a descriptor on a shift, e.g. D for Day or N for Night. This field is read only on DTSR.
;[Station|WORK_STATION_CODE]: The station is the work station that this station post requirement is associated with.
;[Blank Column|STATION_POST]: The station post is the job within the work station that is required.
;[Required|SPR]: This is the number of vacancies that will be created for the station post requirement. This number is filled in by the user and will define how many vacancies will be created on the [Complement Tab|DTSR#COMPLEMENTTAB] and need to be filled by qualified workers.
;[Filled|DRV_FILLED]: This is a view only, derived field that displays the number of station posts that have been filled by qualified workers.
;[Vacant|DRV_VACANT]: This is a view only, derived field that displays the number of station posts that remain unfilled or vacant. This field takes the number required and subtracts the number filled.
;Copy Button: This button will open the Copy Station Requirements dialog [MTCSR] that will allow the user to create a copy of the Station Requirements within the current or other Event Site. You will also be able to choose whether or not to Carry Over Workers to the new Station Requirement.
;Record Shift End Time Button: This button will open the Record Shift End Time dialog [MTSRET] which will allow the user easily override the Shift End Time. When a Shift is selected for an Event it may not have the exact Start/End time combination that is required, however, it is not practical to create a new Shift in [ITSS] every time an Station Post Requirement is needed for an Event. This button/dialog makes it easy to select any Shift with an appropriate Start Time and then adjust the End Time as needed.
;[Rank|RANKING]: A numerical field which indicates the hierarchical order in which the employees are qualified for the selected post.
;[EE#|PERSON_CODE]: The employee number or person code associated with the qualified worker.
;[Last|LAST_NAME]: The qualified worker's last name.
;[First|FIRST_NAME]: The qualified worker's first name.
;[Seniority|SENIORITY_DATE]: This seniority date come from the [seniority date|ITWO#MAINTAINWORKERINFORMATION] set on the worker. This date can be used when selecting qualified workers from the list by sorting them by the seniority column (move the Seniority Column to the beginning of the table - the workers with the most seniority (earliest dates) will appear first and the workers with less seniority (latest date) will appear later in the list.
;[Restriction|DRV_RESTRICTION]: This field shows any [scheduling restrictions|ITWO#RestrictionsTab] that have been set up for this person on the worker screen. Restrictions will limit when the worker can be scheduled.
;[Called|DRV_HAS_CALL_LOG]: If a worker has already been [called|DTSH#CallLogsTab] regarding this post the called toggle box will be checked otherwise it will be unchecked.
;[Show All|ACT_SHOW_RESTRICTIONS]: This is an action toggle which enables the user to see all of the qualified workers even if they have [scheduling restrictions|ITWO#RestrictionsTab] which would normally preclude them from being scheduled into this post.
!!Current Worker Schedule
The table below indicates the shifts that the worker in focus is already scheduled in, plus or minus 3 days. This gives the scheduler a preview of the worker's schedule so that they can quickly determine if it is appropriate to try and schedule them into the vacancy in question.
;[Worker|WORKER]: The name of the worker in focus that may have shifts scheduled in the same scheduling period.
;Schedule Button: This is an action button that will automatically schedule the worker in focus into the vacancy in question.
;[Date|START_DATE]: Start date of the shift in that the worker is scheduled in.
;[Shift|SHIFT_CODE]: The shift code being used by the shift that the worker is scheduled in.
;[Station Post|STATION_POST]: The station post that the worker is scheduled in.
;[Worker|WORKER]: A Worker is an Employee who is [Qualified|ITWO#QualifiedForTab] to be Scheduled into a Team Post.
;[Shift End Time|SHIFT_END_TIME]: The time that was originally defined as the end of the shift.
;[O/R Shift End Time|OVERRIDE_SHIFT_END_TIME]: The end of the shift can be overridden with this field. If a shift has been chosen with an appropriate start time but the end time is unique to the station post requirement, the user can override it here.
;[Exception|EXCEPTIONS]: Displays __Yes__ if there are any exceptions (changes to the originally scheduled time) or __No__ if there are none.
;[Placement|PLACEMENTS]: Displays the assignment information for the employee/worker who is scheduled in the station post. This can be entered by selecting from the list on this field, or more likely will already be filled in as a result of clicking the Schedule button on the [Qualified Workers Tab|DTSR#QUALIFIEDWORKERSTAB].
;Time Rule: Special [time rules|IDWR#TimeRulesTab] can be setup on the work rule as 'disabled' and 'can be waived'. These time rules can be re-enabled on a worker by worker/day by day basis by toggling the enable box on (see next item, Enable).
;Enable: Toggle is checked if disabled & waived time rule needs to be re-enabled.
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