This page (revision-24) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB kparrott to previous
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last

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At line 42 changed 20 lines
#From the command prompt navigate to the following directory: ''ORACLE-HOME\jdk\jre\lib\security\'' and issue the following command:
''__Keytool –import –alias rootca –keystore cacerts –trustcacerts –file rootca.cer keypass changeit__''
*alias rootca, uniquately identifies the key,
*keystore cacerts, is the name of the default keystore
*trustcacerts, allow us to match the root and use certificates.
*file is the name of the certificate your are importing
*keypass is the password for the change keystore
4. Hit enter and follow the prompt
5. Once you have imported the rootca, the final step is to import the user certificate. Enter the following commands from the command prompt:
''__Keytool –import –alias ePersonality –keystore cacerts –trustcacerts –file ePersonality.cer keypass changeit__''
6. Hit enter and follow the prompt and exit the command prompt.
#From the command prompt navigate to the following directory: ''ORACLE-HOME\jdk\jre\lib\security\'' and issue the following command:\\ \\''__Keytool –import –alias rootca –keystore cacerts –trustcacerts –file rootca.cer keypass changeit__''\\ \\
__Note:__\\*alias rootca, uniquately identifies the key,\\*keystore cacerts, is the name of the default keystore\\*trustcacerts, allow us to match the root and use certificates\\*file is the name of the certificate your are importing\\*keypass is the password for the change keystore\\ \\
#Hit enter and follow the prompt\\ \\
#Once you have imported the rootca, the final step is to import the user certificate. Enter the following commands from the command prompt:\\''__Keytool –import –alias ePersonality –keystore cacerts –trustcacerts –file ePersonality.cer keypass changeit__''\\ \\
#Hit enter and follow the prompt and exit the command prompt.\\ \\
At line 63 changed 4 lines
1. Open the OPMN.XML file using notepad or Wordpad. The configuration file is located at: ''Oracle-Home\opmn\conf''
2. Assign a static RMIS port to your OC4J instance as follows: \\
{{<ias-component id="OC4J"> \\
#Open the OPMN.XML file using notepad or Wordpad. The configuration file is located at: ''Oracle-Home\opmn\conf''\\ \\
#Assign a static RMIS port to your OC4J instance as follows: \\ \\<ias-component id="OC4J"> \\
At line 73 changed 18 lines
</process-type> \\
__Note:__ The RMIS port range is 12701-12800. When choosing a port, ensure that the port is free.
3. Save and close the file
4. From the command line navigate to the following director: ''ORACLE-HOME\opmn\bin''
5. Reload the opmn.xml file by entering the following command: ''__opmnctl reload__''
6. Restart the OC4J instance by entering the following command: ''__opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J__''
__Note:__ OC4J refers to the name of the OC4J instance you want to restart.
</process-type> \\</ias-component>\\%%information __Note__ The RMIS port range is 12701-12800. When choosing a port, ensure that the port is free.%%
#Save and close the file\\ \\
#From the command line navigate to the following director: ''ORACLE-HOME\opmn\bin''\\ \\
#Reload the opmn.xml file by entering the following command: ''__opmnctl reload__''\\ \\
#Restart the OC4J instance by entering the following command: ''__opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J__''\\%%information __Note__ OC4J refers to the name of the OC4J instance you want to restart.%%
\\ \\
At line 92 changed 17 lines
1. Open the ePersonality.jnlp file using notepad or Wordpad.
The configuration file is located at: ''Oracle-Home\Apache\Apache\htdocs\HLAppResource_xxxx''
2. Change the argument port to the RMIS port you assigned to the OC4J instance in step 3
3. Add an argument __SERVER_TYPE=SSL__
The above changes should look similar to this:\\
{{<argument>PORT=12702</argument> \\
<argument>SERVER_IP=http://server.domain./ePersonality_xxxx<argument> \\
4. Change all references of http to __https__
5. Save and close the file
#Open the ePersonality.jnlp file using notepad or Wordpad.\\The configuration file is located at: ''Oracle-Home\Apache\Apache\htdocs\HLAppResource_xxxx''\\ \\
#Change the argument port to the RMIS port you assigned to the OC4J instance in Step 3\\ \\
#Add an argument __SERVER_TYPE=SSL__\\The above changes should look similar to this:\\{{<argument>PORT=12702</argument>\\<argument>SERVER_IP=http://server.domain./ePersonality_xxxx<argument>\\<argument>SERVER_TYPE=SSL/argument>}}\\ \\
#Change all references of http to __https__\\ \\
#Save and close the file
\\ \\
At line 110 changed 6 lines
1. Open the browser and navigate to the admin console. For example: {{}}
2. Fill in all the columns with their respective entries, make sure to change the ‘Resources Server URL to https://...
3. Restart the container and test your application.
#Open the browser and navigate to the admin console. For example: {{}}\\ \\
#Fill in all the columns with their respective entries, make sure to change the ‘Resources Server URL to https://...\\ \\
#Restart the container and test your application.
\\ \\
At line 117 changed one line
1. Open a browser and enter: ''https://server-name/''
#Open a browser and enter: ''https://server-name/''
%%information __Note__ If you are using an index page to access the Professional and Self Service application, be sure to change the http references to https.%%
At line 119 removed 7 lines
__Note:__ If you are using an index page to access the Professional and Self Service application, be sure to change the http references to https.
[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
At line 127 changed 4 lines
![Discussion|Edit:Internal.CONFIGURING SSL]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.CONFIGURING SSL' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}]
![Notes|Edit:Internal.CONFIGURING SSL]
[{InsertPage page='Internal.CONFIGURING SSL' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]