This page (revision-65) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
65 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB kparrott to previous
64 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB kparrott to previous | to last
63 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB kparrott to previous | to last
62 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB kparrott to previous | to last NAGGING WORKFLOW LOG EMAILS ==> CONTINUOUS WORKFLOW LOG EMAILS
61 26-Nov-2021 10:22 4 KB jaiken to previous | to last PLANNING A WORK FLOW USERCALC ==> PLANNING A WORKFLOW USERCALC

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The concepts of workflow require that users understand the principals of the application and have the knowledge and capabilities to write [UserCalcs]. It is also important to recognize the needs of your business in order to determine if workflow is applicable. It may be useful to have SQL knowledge to write Completion Clauses
The concepts of workflow require that users understand the principals of the application and have the knowledge and capabilities to write [UserCalcs|USERCALC]. It is also important to recognize the needs of your business in order to determine if workflow is applicable. It may be useful to have SQL knowledge to write Completion Clauses
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The set up required to integrate Workflow is not complex. Basically, there are two screens required for set up, they are: [IMWA] - Define Workflow Actions and [IMUC] - Define User Calculations. The difficulty arises mainly from the complexity of the UserCalc and the completion clause. However, not all workflow actions are complicated and it depends on a client's business requirements.
The set up required to integrate workflow is not complex. Basically, there are two screens required for set up, they are: Define Workflow Actions [IMWA] and Define User Calculations [IMUC]. The difficulty arises mainly from the complexity of the UserCalc and the completion clause. However, not all workflow actions are complicated and it depends on a client's business requirements.
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Workflow triggers are initiated when a record is inserted, updated or deleted from the database. Each [table|Workflow Triggers|Workflow Products] that is enabled for workflow will have a [data base trigger] configured.
Workflow triggers are initiated when a record is inserted, updated or deleted from the database. Each table that is enabled for workflow will have a [data base trigger|DATA BASE TRIGGER] configured.
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The page [Workflow Tables|WORKFLOW PRODUCTS] will list each table that has workflow enabled.
!!!Workflow Action
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!!WorkFlow Overview
[{Image src='WorkFlow_01.JPG' align='center'}]
A workflow action is the result of a key event. Some key events can include a salary/wage increase or hiring/
terminating an employee. These events require specific actions to occur, thereby driving the workflow process.
*Define Workflow Action ([IMWA])
**[Completion Clause|IMWA#Completion Clause]
**[Workflow Logs|IMWA#Workflow Logs]
*Workflow Actions Report ([RMWF])
!!!UserCalcs and Workflow
This section should only act as a supplemental aid to the already existing [User Calculations|USERCALC] section. Its intent is to explain some new features that have been developed as a result of the integration
of workflow into system. Please reference the [User Calculations|USERCALC] section for more detail on the
other UserCalc items.
With the integration of workflow into the system, UserCalcs have the ability, in addition to their previous functionality, to allow for workflow action events to occur under specific conditions. Examples of such events include: issuing an email, alerting users of specific tasks and taking the user to that particular screen to complete the task. Workflow action events are only processed through UserCalcs.
A UserCalc is a set of instructions, defined by the user, which trigger specific actions or operations to take place. They are a powerful feature that allows for configuration of the application to a high degree.
UserCalcs can perform various operations, such as arithmetic calculations, comparisons of different items, date checks and calculations, issue warning messages and workflow action events. UserCalcs can be simple or quite complex.
The activation of a workflow trigger results in the initiation of a UserCalc. Once the UserCalc is initiated, the workflow action events are called from within the UserCalc.
* [UserCalc Conventions|USERCALC CONVENTIONS]
* [UserCalc Types|USERCALC TYPES]
* [Defining a WF UserCalc|DEFINE WF USERCALC]
* [Publishing a WF UserCalc|PUBLISHING A WF USERCALC]
!!!Pro Active Workflow
In the past, Workflow required a table to be changed for it to be triggered. This new process, Pro Active Workflow, enables Workflow to be scheduled. Pro Active Workflow uses Where Clauses to filter the data to help reduce the number of records that will qualify for the Workflow to fire against.
One easy example of Pro Active Workflow usage is to send out a Happy Birthday message to employees on their birthday. A where clause can be defined to filter all employee birth dates which are equal to the ‘As of’ date’s day and month. The user calc would call this workflow action and when the report [UMPWF] is run, an email would be generated to all of those employees with a birthday that day. The other method would have had the user calc filter the data, which is more tedious on the system.
*Define Workflow Action ([IMWA])
*Plan and Define a User Calc ([IMUC])
**The user calcs used in Pro Active Workflow must be defined with a usage of Pro-Active WF for them to be picked up by the [UMPWF].
* Create a Where Clause ([IMWC])
* Run [UMPWF]
* [Examples of Pro-Active Workflow|PRO ACTIVE WORKFLOW EXAMPLES]
!!! View Execution Logs & Details
*View Execution Run Logs ([VMEX])
!!!Required Set Up
*[IMST Setup for Workflow|IMST SETUP FOR WF]
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