This page (revision-3) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by KateN

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by KateN

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 786 bytes KateN to previous
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 bytes KateN to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 2 KB KateN to last

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At line 1 removed one line
!!!EE Sales Tax Amount (rounded 0.01)
At line 3 removed 18 lines
This component stores the employee sales tax amount.
Choose the rule that is used as the ‘EE Sales Tax Amount’ rule.
||Rule||Description||Logic||Assoc.||Go to
|00|Use Value from UserCalc|Specify the name of the <User Calc> on thecomponent.\\The usercalc must be of the type `Function`,\\with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use\\the RET operator to return the numeric value.\\This value is interpreted by the component as a\\user provided sales tax amount.|\\|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|01|Use Value from Element|Specify the name of the <Element> on the component.\\The value of the element will be used as the\\sales tax amount.|\\|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|02|Premium Amount × Sales\\Tax Rate|Multiplies the premium amount (B0680) by the\\sales tax rate (B1100).|[B0680|BC-B0680]\\[B1100|BC-B1100]|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|03*|Deduction Amount x Sales\\Tax Rate|Multiplies the contribution amount (B1040) by\\the sales tax rate (B1100).\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B1040|BC-B1040]\\[B1100|BC-B1100]|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|04|(Prem + Admin Fee) ×\\Sales Tax Rate (SI)|Multiplies the premium amount (B0680) plus\\the administration fee (B0730) by the sales tax\\rate (B1100).\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B0680|BC-B0680]\\[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B1100|BC-B1100]|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|05|Admin Fee × Sales Tax\\Rate (SI)|Multiplies the administration fee (B0730) by the\\sales tax rate (B1100).\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B1100|BC-B1100]|[B1120|BC-B1120]
|06|(Contr. + Dedn. + Admin) ×\\Sales Tax Rate (SI)|Multiplies the contribution amount (B0840) plus\\the deduction amount (B1040) plus the administration\\fee (B0730) by the sales tax rate\\(B1100).\\Rule used for self-insured plans only.|[B0730|BC-B0730]\\[B0840|BC-B0840]\\[B1040|BC-B1040]\\[B1100|BC-B1100]|[B1120|BC-B1120]
Enter a pay component in the <PC Code> field if the result is to be viewed for Payroll processing or reporting.
The BC action must be ‘Store on Line & Enroll'.
If the EE Sales Tax needs to be converted to a Pay Period Amount place the <PC Code> on B1120 instead.